Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tendo- # 128

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The Tendo person, is creative, inner/outer listening, of what's being said- and not being said, but also, of what's being broadcast, by every being, in the environment(s) he/she/it find themselves in, source inward moving- toward outer interaction with anything, aware they're individual, 100% whole- within themselves, the highest of the high wisdom/doing is themselves, productive, show by example, do by inner direction- coming from the Source ( Free You or Free Source- both stand for the same, center of your lifetimes ), develop spiritual talents, abilities and skills, with discovering psychic/telepathic talents, abilities and skills, and build their health, by practicing stretching, movement, walk by inner source direction- with 360 degree awareness security, relaxation, at all times.

TRUST YOUR FEELINGS, isn't simply a mantra, it's not even a way of life, it's life expressing the best, for it, through beyond instantenous answers, directing what you do, say and breathe.

You're Microcosmic Truth; live the beauty of a creator, who creates, investigates, enjoys expressing, and moving to their inner Free Truth!

Tendo persons, are very creative, they listen to what's best for them, by acting without thinking, in what is the most deeply, living existence-possible.

They trust themselves, to do what's right, by listening to- their trust in their feelings!

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