Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tendo- # 128

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The Tendo person, is creative, inner/outer listening, of what's being said- and not being said, but also, of what's being broadcast, by every being, in the environment(s) he/she/it find themselves in, source inward moving- toward outer interaction with anything, aware they're individual, 100% whole- within themselves, the highest of the high wisdom/doing is themselves, productive, show by example, do by inner direction- coming from the Source ( Free You or Free Source- both stand for the same, center of your lifetimes ), develop spiritual talents, abilities and skills, with discovering psychic/telepathic talents, abilities and skills, and build their health, by practicing stretching, movement, walk by inner source direction- with 360 degree awareness security, relaxation, at all times.

TRUST YOUR FEELINGS, isn't simply a mantra, it's not even a way of life, it's life expressing the best, for it, through beyond instantenous answers, directing what you do, say and breathe.

You're Microcosmic Truth; live the beauty of a creator, who creates, investigates, enjoys expressing, and moving to their inner Free Truth!

Tendo persons, are very creative, they listen to what's best for them, by acting without thinking, in what is the most deeply, living existence-possible.

They trust themselves, to do what's right, by listening to- their trust in their feelings!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

TenDo- # 127

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

What is the Prime Directive, of TenDo- simple- you create, build, and maintain Peace, within you.No one outside of you can create Peace, for you, only you; you're the Creator of Peace, in yourself, with others, and in the world. You, and only you, are the creator of Peace, in everything you do, react to, love, etc..

This means- you're the one most capable, most adroit, most compelling, peacemaker, in your life; you're the kingdom builder- of Peace.

Once created, or as it's being created, you utilize it, within your own movements, work, play, etc.. You don't share it; your Peace, cannot help others, know their Peace, within themselves.

Our Demartial Arts, is the creating of Peace, in all we do; we build, share, make Peace, to bring ourselves, our family, our world, to know the joy of Peace. We show- by example; by utilizing our Peace, in everything we do, including self-defense, when necessary.

In self-defense, we practice Peace, by allowing it, to guide our actions, to be the strength, we use, to do our self-defense actions, as well as, healing the bodymind, making the bodymind, into an instrument of Peace.

We are the Creator of Peace; we create Peace, by seeing and knowing, Peace is the answer, to all problems, but this doesn't mean others will be building Peace, within themselves. We have to show our Peace; allow it to guide our self-defense, counter moves, to actions, brought, against us.

Peace is love, tranquility, sharing, knowing, caring, and building bridges, to others, who come into our environments. We show Peace; we are Peace, we maintain Peace, we breathe Peace, we see the wonder of Peace, in nature, and space, showing love of Peace, throughout the Universe(s)

May you build Peace; in everything you do!

Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 126

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The creation of anger, within us, is always within us, and not created
by any act, etc., from those outside, of us.

Anger is caused by what we feel, within ourselves, reacting to
outside stimulus.

We have to look at our anger; find the reason, the incident is
causing us, to get angry.

Its caused by an emotion, within us; right there, it tells you it's
something you're either in denial about; or don't want to look at.

Second, be aware if you don't express your anger, correctly, that is,
by working on it, definitely,not exploding against others, you're building an
anger bank, so when you do explode, it'll be far beyond, the reason
you're now- angry.

TenDo- # 125

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Peace comes from quiteness; listen to your Silence and build Peace.

TenDo- # 124

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Life has within it- work, not necessarily the work a capitalistic,
socialistic, communistic country may have, but work, you love, and
is fun, rather than a drain, on your spirit.

To maintain high levels of energy, to transform, into work energy; you
must relax as much as you work; this means- balance out your life,
between relaxation and work.

The relaxation method is a good way, to relax your bodymind, in a
focused manner: 1. sit in a chair, 2. have shoes on or off, 3. breathe
deep, but without tension, 4. you're going to relax each aspect of
your bodymind; starting with the big toe, You are relaxing, deeply
relaxed, keep saying this, till you feel it relax, now, go up your foot,
legs, groin, solar plexus, heart, chest, shoulders, buttocks, lower
back, middle back, high back, shoulders front of the neck, back of the
neck, up and over the head, face and chin ( don't forget the eyes,
then end with your inner organs, bones and nerves- are relaxed.

Now say- my whole bodymind is deeply, deeply relaxed. You're in
deep relaxation. Just sit there, relax your mind, if necessary,
don't latch onto your thoughts; simply allow them, to flow, without
fixing onto you. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply, when you're
ready- you can open your eyes ( if you closed them ) and straighten
up; stand up and stretch upward, shake your bodymind, to get it
ready, to move, once again.

Do this for a number of differeent times, then start, relaxing the whole foot,
whole leg, whole groin and buttocks, whole chest, whole back, whole
nec, whole head and your entire bodymind.

Do this for a few different times, then do the whole bottom half of your
bodymind, then the upper half- deeply, deeply relaxed.

Relax you whole bodymind, with deep, deep relaxation- saying my
whole bodymind is deeply relaxed.

When you can do this, you can completely relax yourself anywhere, for a
few minutes deep relaxation, and energy boost; it allows you to step
away, from whatever was stressing you out.

May the MIcrocosmicForce be with You!

TenDo- # 123

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

When problems come up, you may use these steps, in problem-solving:

1. Specify the bottomline problem
2. Look for ways of solving the problem- brainstorm
3. Choose what looks like the right answer
4. Test it; and check the results
5. If it works, the problem is solved, if not,
6. look at the problem, in an alternative way.

An example of this comes from a book I have forgotten the name of,
and the author, but this author, showed how to look at alternatives.
The case is one, which came up in World War II. England needed to get
their planes out of the metal hanger buildings, the one which look
like tin bent over a previously, set up framing, this gives
you a long building, easily built.

The problem for the RAF was- to get the planes out of these hangers in 8
seconds. They tried everything, but they could not get those planes
out, and into the air, in eight seconds.

Finally, one of the task force, looked at in an alternative way- if we
can't get the planes out of the hanger in time, let's move the hanger
away, from the planes.

They tried this, and it worked. Alternative processing; finds the idea
that works.

Another way to find answers is to trust your feelings, and act without
thinking. Go with the flow, trust yourself, to do what's the right
answer, for the problem, you're focusing on.

TenDo- # 122

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In any deal, there's compromise. How much depends on each party, but
if you're trusting your feelings, you're inner center driven, and
you will not compromise one inch, on what you're feeling this is best
for you- creating a win-win-win happy ending.

Compromises must enrich the environment-planet; if it does not
you're sealing your own fate, and the fate of your spouse, children
and extended family, as well as, your friends, etc..

Positive compromise- where all parties win what they can live with, or
are enthusiastic, which is the best way to compromise; as long as, it's
within the healthy process- of the environment-planet.

This win-win-win solution gives rise to Peace; each person is
satisfied; the energy created is Peace energy.

Knowledgeable negotiators, work with the Microcosmic Force, so the deal is within
the Microcosmic Force, and is energized, by it.