Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 124

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Life has within it- work, not necessarily the work a capitalistic,
socialistic, communistic country may have, but work, you love, and
is fun, rather than a drain, on your spirit.

To maintain high levels of energy, to transform, into work energy; you
must relax as much as you work; this means- balance out your life,
between relaxation and work.

The relaxation method is a good way, to relax your bodymind, in a
focused manner: 1. sit in a chair, 2. have shoes on or off, 3. breathe
deep, but without tension, 4. you're going to relax each aspect of
your bodymind; starting with the big toe, You are relaxing, deeply
relaxed, keep saying this, till you feel it relax, now, go up your foot,
legs, groin, solar plexus, heart, chest, shoulders, buttocks, lower
back, middle back, high back, shoulders front of the neck, back of the
neck, up and over the head, face and chin ( don't forget the eyes,
then end with your inner organs, bones and nerves- are relaxed.

Now say- my whole bodymind is deeply, deeply relaxed. You're in
deep relaxation. Just sit there, relax your mind, if necessary,
don't latch onto your thoughts; simply allow them, to flow, without
fixing onto you. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply, when you're
ready- you can open your eyes ( if you closed them ) and straighten
up; stand up and stretch upward, shake your bodymind, to get it
ready, to move, once again.

Do this for a number of differeent times, then start, relaxing the whole foot,
whole leg, whole groin and buttocks, whole chest, whole back, whole
nec, whole head and your entire bodymind.

Do this for a few different times, then do the whole bottom half of your
bodymind, then the upper half- deeply, deeply relaxed.

Relax you whole bodymind, with deep, deep relaxation- saying my
whole bodymind is deeply relaxed.

When you can do this, you can completely relax yourself anywhere, for a
few minutes deep relaxation, and energy boost; it allows you to step
away, from whatever was stressing you out.

May the MIcrocosmicForce be with You!

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