Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 123

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

When problems come up, you may use these steps, in problem-solving:

1. Specify the bottomline problem
2. Look for ways of solving the problem- brainstorm
3. Choose what looks like the right answer
4. Test it; and check the results
5. If it works, the problem is solved, if not,
6. look at the problem, in an alternative way.

An example of this comes from a book I have forgotten the name of,
and the author, but this author, showed how to look at alternatives.
The case is one, which came up in World War II. England needed to get
their planes out of the metal hanger buildings, the one which look
like tin bent over a previously, set up framing, this gives
you a long building, easily built.

The problem for the RAF was- to get the planes out of these hangers in 8
seconds. They tried everything, but they could not get those planes
out, and into the air, in eight seconds.

Finally, one of the task force, looked at in an alternative way- if we
can't get the planes out of the hanger in time, let's move the hanger
away, from the planes.

They tried this, and it worked. Alternative processing; finds the idea
that works.

Another way to find answers is to trust your feelings, and act without
thinking. Go with the flow, trust yourself, to do what's the right
answer, for the problem, you're focusing on.

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