Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 122

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In any deal, there's compromise. How much depends on each party, but
if you're trusting your feelings, you're inner center driven, and
you will not compromise one inch, on what you're feeling this is best
for you- creating a win-win-win happy ending.

Compromises must enrich the environment-planet; if it does not
you're sealing your own fate, and the fate of your spouse, children
and extended family, as well as, your friends, etc..

Positive compromise- where all parties win what they can live with, or
are enthusiastic, which is the best way to compromise; as long as, it's
within the healthy process- of the environment-planet.

This win-win-win solution gives rise to Peace; each person is
satisfied; the energy created is Peace energy.

Knowledgeable negotiators, work with the Microcosmic Force, so the deal is within
the Microcosmic Force, and is energized, by it.

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