Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 126

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The creation of anger, within us, is always within us, and not created
by any act, etc., from those outside, of us.

Anger is caused by what we feel, within ourselves, reacting to
outside stimulus.

We have to look at our anger; find the reason, the incident is
causing us, to get angry.

Its caused by an emotion, within us; right there, it tells you it's
something you're either in denial about; or don't want to look at.

Second, be aware if you don't express your anger, correctly, that is,
by working on it, definitely,not exploding against others, you're building an
anger bank, so when you do explode, it'll be far beyond, the reason
you're now- angry.

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