Wednesday, November 18, 2009

TenDo- 28

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

To be at peace, you must know yourself, trust yourself and be happy
within yourself. To do this practice Self-Genesis psychology,
philosophy, know you're an individual; you are the
begiinning and the end, for your way, to live your life.

You are the highest source, to know you, and your world. There are no
others. Teachers, who allow you, to know you are great, those that don't-
are demogogs.


(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Peace isn't a philosophy, or even a psychological tenet, it is a way
of life. You either live in peace, or you live in the need, for war,
danger, excitement of violence, etc..

Those, who need the art of violence, in their lives, are fighting, not
only the outside projections they use, to be able to express their
violent tendecies, but their violent, self-loathing about themselves,
in some manner or another.

Violent people don't like themselves, and are willing, to show others
how bad they are, by acting out, when they hurt someone; they feel
pride, because they've beat someone, because they're better at
surviving, than the one they beat.

This is another clue, those who like violence, want to survive,
rather than live. Life has nothing to offer them, but what they get
by using their skills, minds, etc., in obtaining what they want,
hopefully, by showing how tough and violent, they are.

To counter, acts violence with violence, might seem to be self-
protective, but it isn't; it's simply a new direction, in which
violence, is the projection, of not liking yourself.

What then do we do? Do we allow others to do violence against us,
kill us and not defend ourselves? Would you be comfortable with that?

Violence to hurt, maim, kill etc., is psychological damaging, to the
one, who hurts, for pleasure, and to the one receiving, for they were
injured, by the attacking party.

TenDo is the way of Flowing Water. You do not need, to be attacking, to
defend yourself; you can flow around what isn't capable
of controlling itself; you can allow the violence, to pass you by.

How? By blocking and having the violence go by you. 2. By simply
walking away. 3. By putting something solid or thought provoking
between you and the violent tempest. 4. By flowing around the
violence , going on out of its reach. 5. By clouding the mind of
the attacker. 6. By bringing outside illusions, to refocus the
violence and the person commmitting the violence. 7. Utilizing mind
techniques to dissolve the violence. 8. To use physical movements, to
diffuse the situation. 9. To use objects, to defuse the situation. 10.
To flow around the violence and put an end to the strain of the
violent tendencies, gently as if water flows in and douses the fire.

TenDo- 26

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

In gaining, for ourselves, the state of being, mind, and peace of
action, we use these mental and spiritual methods:

Serenities- Sentences ,in which, we put into words, what we want, to
build, in action. Think Haiku.

Affirmations- one sentence, to help you build, within yourself, what you
want, for yourself.

Super Keywords- Put into words, what you want to accomplish, for
yourself ( ex. want to express my anger in positive ways ),
key this statement, to a Super Microcosmic Keyword, like Super Peace. Super
strengthen them, with Microcosmic Blessings, Super Times and Times. I
myself do this in the zillions.

AutoSuggestion- utilize hypnosis- give yourself suggestions
then strengthen them, the number of times, you feel will get you
the result you want.

TenDo- 25

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Peace is created within, truth the same; act in the only way
you can to be true to yourself- the Microcosmic Force is born, creating peace,
growth, learning, process and love.

Be aware- you're the Creator, of what you want, to create, in the world.

TenDo- 24

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Whenever you are forced into defending yourself against someone, who
simply won't listen to reason, and you can't get away from them; you
have to protect yourself, remember: A TenDo practitioner, only acts
to the point, where the person is out of range, and you can get away.
When they're down, and don't pose a threat, or when they give up, or
when they're still fighting, but don't stand a chance, fight only till you have the chance to get away.

We only protect ourselves,;we do not become the aggressor.

TenDo- 23

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

The goal of Tendo is to create a peaceway of living, without
violence, but a willingness, to defend oneself, from violence, from
outside, or within ones being.

We want to create here and now choices, where all win; none are
unhappy, with the outcome, even if they don't get all they want.

Life is a learning process; there's going to be loss and gain,
but any loss becomes a gain, for it's a life experience, you can learn

Risk is a necessary element of life; if you don't risk you aren't
living, your vegetating.

TenDo- 22

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

ExtraTerrestrial Abductions, and influencing of human behavior,
memory, psychology, everyday living, is expansive. You are
influenced by it, if one, in your family, has had it, or a friend, or a
business partner, etc.; this influence usually shows up, with
angry actions and reactions. This is because, of the person's
inability, to know, of this, through blocks put in by the ETs; the
want to remember, but the fear to remember, because these blocks are
tied in- with a monster ( your biggest fear ), that keeps you from
going within your mind, to that space, where you might be able, to

Some encounters are done, and when the blocks are placedwithin them; they're put
on tightl; the ETs are seeing what the person will do; or the
person becomes a human information or disinformation agent. The ETs
are inimical, to human beings, and their health.

Remember- those kidnapped, are always brought back, but with
more terror being done to them, from torture, to inline cloning, bone
breaking and death, with renewal of life, within your own bodymind.

TenDo- 21

(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

When meditating, before you start- visualize a beautiful Microcosmic
Crystal White Light, surrounding you everywhere, in every direction,

All colors come from Microcosmic Crystal White Light, as does peace,
love, spirituality, good works, devotions, ideas and creativity.

Protect yourself with Microcosmic Crystal White Light, in the morning,
afternoon and evening...if this seems to be too much, then when you
wake in the morning, and when you go at bed at night.


Abductions cannot be stopped by this, but the way they can influence
you, can be reduced.

TenDo- 20

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

In looking, to avoid violence, to make your life easier and
happier; you can help yourself immensely, by working, to transform,
your lifepath.

Your lifepath- is the one you made, to guide your actions, in this body,
before you came into it. It's usually made from theory, and present
ideas, which have no basis, in what you're doing now. It has even
less notion, of the importance, of living, in your bodymind, and to be
here and now oriented, without the need, of preplanning.

Utilize Microcosmic Blessings, to transform your lifepath, to here and
now choices. Use Suggestoloyg super keywords, to symbolize this, and
superstrengthen the keyword, with many Microcosmic Blessings and
Supertimes, as you wish, to put on the SuperKeyword.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

TenDo- 19

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Study and learn the way of the Microcosmic Force, study the lessons, and study
with a Jedi Knight/Dream Dancer. Peace is created from your actions.

Peace is learnt by working, through problems and not repressing them, and acting without thinking, doing the only thing you can do- to be true to yourself.

TenDo- 18

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

When needing pscyhological help or want to learn about it for your
ability to know yourself and create peace in everything you do:

1. Read about:

1. Self-Genesis
2. Existential Psychology and Philosophy
3. Reichian Therapy
4. BioEnergetics
5. Rolfing
6. Mind Games
7. Man in a Trap, by Baker
8. Gestalt Therapy; Dreams and Nightmares, Role Playing
9. PsychoDrama
10. Psychic Sciences
11. Catsyeye, by Andre Norton ( sci fi )
12. Dune Series by Frank Herbert
13. Stranger in a Strange Land by Heinlein
14. other books by Andre Norton
15. The People by Zenna Henderson
16. Star Wars

TenDo 17

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

One of the ways, of helping yourself, and others, is by utilizing the
colors of the 5 color Rainbow: yellow, blue, green, red and crystal
white ( from which all color comes )

Visualize and send these colors in a pure state, when helping others,
along with the Microcosmic Blessing and/or Serenity ( a purpose ), you send, to do
what they need.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

TenDo- 16

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

You are self-genesis; you create yourself out of-


TenDo- 15

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Bodybuilding and physical fitness are two paths one might want to
take to make your health better, but don't forget, to explore
Microcosmic Holistic Health, Chinese Herbology, Accupressure,
Accupuncture, Massage, Movements in Sync Motion, and Free Movement.

TedDo- 14

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

In creating the self-defense, peace, martial arts, we must remember to

1. Meditation
2. Walking, other exercise, stretching, etc.
3. Awareness of where we walk and go.
4. Develop our sensititivies and feelings, trust our feelings
5. Develop and utilize Psychic Talents, Abilities and Skills
6. Utilize Bodymind Psychology and Movement, to move in the best way
we have to in any situation, by trusting our feelings and moving
without thinking, simply acting
7. Listen, Hear, Reflect, Choose and Act
8. Use Super Keyword Suggestology, to create the person we want to be,
and what we want to accomplish
9. Balance your life, know when and where the unbalance comes from
10. Practice Jedi Knight/Dream Dancing philosophy
11. Learn emapthy.

TenDo- 13

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

When you're studying the ways of movements, and the actions of
life, in all its, beyond infinite forms and moves; you soon realize
there seems to be something beyond what you can see, which is
and isn't, works with, and listens to, that which comes from what
it interacts with, both leads and is lead, this is Mystery.

Mystery is the action behind the life, we can see, but is not limited
to just that, but can act on its own, and act through others, and
others can act on their own, or in friendship and partnership with

Mystery is Good/Posiitve, but those who wish personal power, can use its
substances, for their own wishes, this is the Darkside of theMicrocosmic Force.

TenDo- 12

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

In learning, how to defend yourself, from being where harm can
befall you, the way of Active Listening is very important, so you can
be aware, when to move on. Active Listening: listening without putting
yourself into what is being said by the other person, reflecting back
to that person what they are really saying, allowing the other person
to choose to go on or not, and support them in their decision.

Second, empathy is a very important warning system, as well as, being
able, to tell you, when someone is having problems, etc., not all
negative, it works just as well, for positive feelings. Empathy is
trusting your feelings; feeling what is bothering or happening
with another person. It isn't sympathy, where you get down in the
gutter with them, but knowing how to feel what they are going through,
and being able, to help them- help themselves.

Third, is psychic awareness, looking at the person, seeing the
aura around them, physically or with the third eye, found within your
forehead. This tells you, when to move on, or when there's going to
be problems, and what you can do, to assist a peaceful resolution,
which may, just mean not saying anything, allowing it to unfold itself, or to warn when their is danger, from violence coming.

TenDo- 11

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

One of the best ways, to stop going toward violence, is to learn to
utilize your creative abilities, ability to generate new ideas,
that can be tested out, or simply brought out to others,, to allow them
to either, simply learn from them, or be a bridge, to their own-
original thought.

Whenever you are thinking of something, picturing it, helps you put it
into order, allowing you, to come up, with the physical way of
putting it together, writing it, drawing it, etc. Einstein- first
pictured his theories in his mind, then did the math, to back it up.

Creativity is enhanced by meditation, utilizing music, TV, movies,
etc., you find to stimulate you- an example- is Rocky Horror
Picture Show.

Keep a notebook with you, at all times, and be ready, to write those
ideas down immediately, draw it immediately, etc.

TenDo- 10

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Each being, and all, is life; each is a being in itself, it's
individual, microcosmic, whole ( no parts within the bodymind or
spirit ),and full; there's nothing can be taken out, you are
you, because you are what you believe yourself to be, which is separate
from all others, you touch-contact, with them.

You choose your own path, by trusting your feelings, and acting
without thinking; by doing this, you do what is best for you, and for
all others, to use as a doorway, to their own Microcosmic Force, ergo the only
act they can do- to be true to themsleves.

TenDo- 9

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

When doing action, in a martial arts way, bended knees, with
appropriate stances, are important, but remember, trust your
feelings, go with the flow of the Microcosmic Force, to help you do, what's
true for you- in any action.

TenDo- 8

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

In TenDo, we practice the way of the Jedi/Dream Dancer/Jedi Ranger/Earth Ranger, in tha,t we act as a Jedi Dream Dancer, in everything we do.

Before any action, or within the action, which comes as a surprise, (
there are no surprises, only not listening, to the Microcosmic Force, within ) center
yourself within you. It's here- the action is grown or uprooted.

Be sturdy on your feet, while being lightning, in your moves, move
without thinking, or looking, these can be deceiving. Trust your
feelings- act by them.

TenDo- 7

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Jedi/Dream Dancer or TenDo artists/rangers, move with fluidity, by moving to the
trust- in their feelings. They move without thinking, are ready to
move in any way, appropriate, and within their ability, when it
is necessary, to do so.

They walk quietly, peacefully, lovingly, tranquility, as they are
not there to disturb, but to create more beauty, wherever they go.

TenDo- 6

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

One of the most important principles of Tendo- is, the ability, to
center yourself within you, and maintaining an inner peace.

Deep breathing helps to get there, and to stay there.

Knowing you are at peace, building inner harmony and spiritual
love of self, keeps you creating peace, in everything you do.

TenDo- 5

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Learning to express yourself in creative ways, help stop, the building
of anger and anger banks; allows you to have a more open mind,
when dealing, with situations of danger, anger or threats.

The goal of Tendo- is to avoid conflict, that esculates, to physical
violence, verbal violence or spiritual-psychic violence.

Personal Expression, and Creative Expression, allows the Tendo
practitioner, to work through, those areas, causing him/her, to not
be in discipline ,of their own being.

Know what you feel; know, what in your life, symbolizes
your within.

Utilize role-playing- place two chairs,facing each other, one is for you and
the other is for the problem, dream character, person, etc., you want
to work with, within yourself.

To start- ask " What do you have to say to me? ". Get up out of your
chair- go to the other, now you're going to answer as the
character, etc., you want to know about. This can be done with

Know yourself, take a lead from Socrates:

Know you know nothing, then everything is open to new designs.

TenDo- 4

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Express yourself, with wisdom and insight, into the enviroment around
you. If you express yourself, in dangerous situations, inappropriately,
you are drawing the reactions, to you, and you are, the cause, of
your own outcome.

Remember- whatever is around you, or at least, some of the things
in the enviroment, say something, about you. This is why Enviro-
Symbology- is the way of knowing ourselves, others, and what's the
root cause of action, by role playing, with whateve,r we want to know
about, gives us the answer, and we can then check, and verify, our

Learn to picture what you want; you will achieve greatness!

TenDo- 3

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

TenDo is the art of flowing water, meaning- when you come to
resistance, don't resist back, but flow around, allow them, to waste
their strength, of trying, to hold back, the water's poetic motion.

TenDo- 2b

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Respect all life forms, including yourself, only when you respect
yourself ,do you know what respecting means; the same applies, to
loving yourself, only if you love yourself -can you know, what it is, to
truly love, another.

TenDo- 2

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

All life is spiritually blessed, within themselves, no matter how
their physical way of being or actions are; within themselves, they
are full, whole, microcosmic being; a microcosmic blessing, just
waiting to be found and utilized, once again.

Some of the actions, of being, a TenDo student, is using:

1. Affirmations....make up simple, to the point, statments, that say
what you are trying to accomplish.
b. when doing for yourself, recognize the difference between
poverty consciousness statments and prosperity statements
( look at MoneyLove, by Jerry W, Warner Books )

2. Prayers....make them simple, direct and can be said, to a higher
power, whatever that higher power is to you, for TenDo, it is the Microcosmic Force.

3. Serenities....simple statements, and direct action, of what you want
from you; if you're doing it, for others, direct it to them,
then end in Blessings, or Microcosmic Blessings.

Respect all life, and as the native americans believe, realize
all is life; there is nothing that isn't life, life energy, and a
purpose for being, is an outlet, for new ideas, creativity and
doorways, in which growth- can occur.


(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

You are self-responsible. Respect yourself. Have high self-esteem,
because you are a creator of the Microcosmic Force; the only truth, you can act upon,
to be true to yourself.

You make your own choices, and are responsibile, for your choices,
actions, and etc..

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

TenDo- 1

Teachings; (c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

TenDo is a demartial arts, in which the name of the interaction, is to create peace, rather than violence, but if necessary then to use the movements of non-violent counters, to create an answer, where you can get away, from the person, and if necessary, bring in the necessary elements, to create an answer, in which, no outsiders or you are hurt, and the person is brought under control.