Wednesday, November 18, 2009

TenDo- 26

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

In gaining, for ourselves, the state of being, mind, and peace of
action, we use these mental and spiritual methods:

Serenities- Sentences ,in which, we put into words, what we want, to
build, in action. Think Haiku.

Affirmations- one sentence, to help you build, within yourself, what you
want, for yourself.

Super Keywords- Put into words, what you want to accomplish, for
yourself ( ex. want to express my anger in positive ways ),
key this statement, to a Super Microcosmic Keyword, like Super Peace. Super
strengthen them, with Microcosmic Blessings, Super Times and Times. I
myself do this in the zillions.

AutoSuggestion- utilize hypnosis- give yourself suggestions
then strengthen them, the number of times, you feel will get you
the result you want.

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