Saturday, November 14, 2009

TenDo- 11

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

One of the best ways, to stop going toward violence, is to learn to
utilize your creative abilities, ability to generate new ideas,
that can be tested out, or simply brought out to others,, to allow them
to either, simply learn from them, or be a bridge, to their own-
original thought.

Whenever you are thinking of something, picturing it, helps you put it
into order, allowing you, to come up, with the physical way of
putting it together, writing it, drawing it, etc. Einstein- first
pictured his theories in his mind, then did the math, to back it up.

Creativity is enhanced by meditation, utilizing music, TV, movies,
etc., you find to stimulate you- an example- is Rocky Horror
Picture Show.

Keep a notebook with you, at all times, and be ready, to write those
ideas down immediately, draw it immediately, etc.

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