Tuesday, November 17, 2009

TenDo- 18

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

When needing pscyhological help or want to learn about it for your
ability to know yourself and create peace in everything you do:

1. Read about:

1. Self-Genesis
2. Existential Psychology and Philosophy
3. Reichian Therapy
4. BioEnergetics
5. Rolfing
6. Mind Games
7. Man in a Trap, by Baker
8. Gestalt Therapy; Dreams and Nightmares, Role Playing
9. PsychoDrama
10. Psychic Sciences
11. Catsyeye, by Andre Norton ( sci fi )
12. Dune Series by Frank Herbert
13. Stranger in a Strange Land by Heinlein
14. other books by Andre Norton
15. The People by Zenna Henderson
16. Star Wars

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