Saturday, November 14, 2009

TenDo- 2

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

All life is spiritually blessed, within themselves, no matter how
their physical way of being or actions are; within themselves, they
are full, whole, microcosmic being; a microcosmic blessing, just
waiting to be found and utilized, once again.

Some of the actions, of being, a TenDo student, is using:

1. Affirmations....make up simple, to the point, statments, that say
what you are trying to accomplish.
b. when doing for yourself, recognize the difference between
poverty consciousness statments and prosperity statements
( look at MoneyLove, by Jerry W, Warner Books )

2. Prayers....make them simple, direct and can be said, to a higher
power, whatever that higher power is to you, for TenDo, it is the Microcosmic Force.

3. Serenities....simple statements, and direct action, of what you want
from you; if you're doing it, for others, direct it to them,
then end in Blessings, or Microcosmic Blessings.

Respect all life, and as the native americans believe, realize
all is life; there is nothing that isn't life, life energy, and a
purpose for being, is an outlet, for new ideas, creativity and
doorways, in which growth- can occur.

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