Thursday, April 29, 2010

TenDo- # 103

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

A TenDo practictioner knows- where human reason is concerned, there's
going to be good laws and bad ones.

TenDo practictioners work with laws, when they're within the trust of
their feelings actions, but flow around bad laws, that conflict with,
their acting in the only way they can act to be true to themselves.

Conflict is a part of life, but it can be kept down to a minimum, if
you act in the only way you can to be true to yourself, by trusting
your feelings.

Conflict is inherent in social orders; they're built on reason or
emotion; conflict resonates all through them. They're all
based on phsyical/mental understanding or emotional
responses/dictates; this means- all social rational orders build
into them, unconsciously, the will to power.

TenDo practices will to love/will to peace/will to trust their
feelings. They do so, by being individual- moving and trusting their
feelings, to guide them to act in the only way they can act to be true
to themselves.

Social orders are the antipathy to spiritual living, rather than an
expression of it. Mental activity or reason is limited; your mind can
only think so far, then it gets frustrated and jumps back to the
beginning of the problem, etc., you're working on. It works in parts,
and hopes, to find the answer, by analyzing the parts, and find answers,
to each of them. They work to solve the whole problem, or to have success working on parts of the problem; second, they hope to get an ephiphany to see how to put the whole, together, from all the parts
available, within the problems.

TenDo is the answer to reliance on social orders, for lifestyle-
greatness. TenDo practitioners trust their feelings; feelings work in answers;
not parts. TenDo Practictioners act without thinking, and build
greatness into any enviroment/activity, they're in.

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