Thursday, April 29, 2010

TenDo- # 94

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Be a friend to all life forms, etc.. While doing this, give Microcosmic
Blessings/ Microcosmic Force Blessing/Affirm Blessings, to all you meet, thereby supercharging their interaction with the purest of Microcosmic Blessings, and The Microcosmic Force being created,
and working with, what you're doing.

Microcosmic Blessings/Microcosmic Force Blessings/Affirm Blessings are the gift of insight, from one who sees psychically, to those who don't, but they can feel the truth, of words spoken to them.

Utilize Microcosmic Blessings/Microcosmic Force Blessings/Affirm Blessings, as much, and as many times you want.

Build the Microcosmic Force; work with the Microcosmic Force, in accomplishing, what you feel
is necessary, for it, to take a hand in.

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