Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TenDo- # 70

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

When you walk, run, move, dance, etc., you usually do it, with no more
in mind than doing whatever it is you feel like expressing, but there
is so much more to moving in the way that will make everything you do
into a dance of spiritual upliftment.

Whenever you walk, run, move, dance, etc., do so with an awareness-
every move you make is in tune with the only act you can do to be
true to yourself. When you do this, then no matter what move you do (
no negs ) you're adding to your own, expressions, and growth, as
well as, to the Universe, as a whole.

In Business- do the same, everything you do is for your success and
creating a win-win-win-win process, in which you win, the earth wins,
the universe wins and spirit wins.

Do the same, for your spirit, whenever it moves, acts; it increases
the Microcosmic Force, wherever it may be. Act in the only way you can act to be
true to yourself.

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