Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TenDo- # 83

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

TenDo is the martial art of Peace defense, and alternative offense,
where the goal is- to create win-win-win-win situations and accomplishments.

This isn't to say, you don't protect yourself, you do, but you do
it by the way of Peace, and not by the way of attack and
counterattack, as in the principles and ways, of other martial arts,
defense systems.

In TenDo, when attacked, you use blocking, utilize stances, and
moves off of stances, to keep distance, between you and the one trying
to attack you, but by following the principles of TenDo and Dream
Dancing, you will not be where trouble is.

Each person, being, who utilizes TenDo, acts in the only way they can
to be true to themselves. This means- they choose to be self-responsible.

By developing Peace moves and sequences, they become more flexible,
and capable, of finding the answer, to the problems facing them, through
trusting their feelings, and acting upon them without thinking. This
complete trust in their own feelings, comes through the acceptance of
their total self-responsibility, for their actions, choices, decisions,
and helping.

Service is a major point within TenDo. To do service to others, allows
you to accept service, from others, when you need it. Doing service
allows you to learn humility, and humbleness of action and choice. It
teaches you the way of gratefulness, being able to show it, to
the one, who helped you, without feeling angry you had to have someone
help you.

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