Saturday, April 24, 2010

TenDo # 32

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Peace is lived, breathed and brought into fruitation by the
actions of each person. Peace isn't outside of life, but within, each
individual, wholeness spirit. Peace is theMicrocosmic Force; the Microcosmic Force is
Beyondness beyond Peace.

The Microcosmic Force is found, within you; it's what allows you to know
you- with the best roads to creating Peace, within your life. One such
area is Dreaming:

The dream, itself, is a movie, but each character, thing within the
dream- symbolizes you in some way ( Fritz Perls- Gestalt Therapy );
you can find out what's important to you, in it, by role
playing, with each of the figures, you find there.

You focus on the figures, and everything else is background. When you
work through all the figures; you go to background, and see, if
any of those symbols stand out, as new figures. If none do, then you
end- by role playing, with background.

Learning to control your dreams

When you're dreaming; catch yourself doing it; look down at your
hands. Keep doing it- till you can, that will help you gain access, to
making the same thing happen, in your real life, with psychic talents,
abilites and skills.

Creative Night Dreaming

Be aware- you can program yourself, to dream in a certain way, or
to answer questions ,you may have. This is called- creative night dreaming;
you set yourself up, to what your mind wants to work on.

Wicked Dreaming

This is for those, who have been abducted by UFOs, and left with
implants ,and other things, within them. Your dreams, and your thoughts,
will be controlled by these things, if you do not watch out, for them.

This is criminal activity; the ETs, and others, who are doing this,
must be brought to justice.

Awake Dreaming

Here you create an awake dream, by putting in the scenes, you feel is
needed, for this dream, till there's enough, then you stop, and role
play, with all the symbols, in this awake dream.

Political Dreaming

Here is where you want to open someone eyes to an important political
issue, or you want them to see a political argument, in a different
way, without forcing them, to change their mind, simply giving them a
new perspective, on whatever, it is, you feel, they need, to see, in a
different light.

Again meditate, say what you want to dream about; allow spillage
to do the rest. Always say they will know they aren't being
harmed, but only being shown a new way of seeing, what you feel, they're missing, but without any force, to make them change their minds.

Universe Dream

Here is where you say you're going to make connection,
with the positive aspects, of the Universe; you allow the dream, to
be the conduit, for that, always protect yourself, with crystal white light,
before you do this, and while you're gone.

Astral Projection Dream

You say where you want to travel to; let your dreams take you

May the Microcosmic Force Be with You Here and Now!

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