Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 119

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

You deserve the best life you can create for yourself, spiritually,
mentally and physically. By doing this, for yourself, you're being- an
example, for everyone else.

You create the best life for you- by loving yourself, creating
appropriate affirmations, to continue your spiritual journey, and to
create positive activity, in your life.

Be creative, do what you love, work in that area you love, and are
comfortable, with.

Create Peace, within yourself, and create the Microcosmic Force. This is the best
way to live; to sow you're continually creating goodness, in your
life; this goodness can be picked up by others, who can use your
example, to do it, for themselves.

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