Thursday, April 29, 2010

TenDo- # 95 Martial Arts

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

A TenDo Practictioner studies martial arts, for self-defense, but
doesn't see themselves as a weapon, but as a blunting force, that
changes the flow of physical, mental or psychic action away from them,
and as a- learning experience, for those, who are using themselves, as a

TenDo Practictioners see/create/live as Peacecreators, who create
peace within themselves, by acting in the only way they can act to be
true to themselves. They know this by trusting their feelings and
acting without thinking.

Peace is created, within the person, as is the will to love, an
active lifesyle choice, and experience, within them. Peace is created at
the same time, as the Microcosmic Force is created, when each acts in the only way
they can act to be true to themselves.

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