Tuesday, April 27, 2010

TenDo- # 44

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Peace is only formed, when it's within the movement of Truth, which
is the Microcosmic Force; it comes from individual movement-s alone. Group
movements get hampered by trying to describe what truth is, rather
than creating Peace, by your movements of Truth, which is the Microcosmic Force;
you do- without thinking.

Truth can only be seen, when it's done without thinking, freely, without looking to have
power over it. This means- if you want to create Peace, you have
to let go of your need to have power over others, want others to do
what you want, or try to manipulate others, into doing, what you see as
Peace, negating what they see it as.

Peace is an individual activity, which comes into being, without
thought, but has boundaries, so it can be known, after it's

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