Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tendo- # 128

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The Tendo person, is creative, inner/outer listening, of what's being said- and not being said, but also, of what's being broadcast, by every being, in the environment(s) he/she/it find themselves in, source inward moving- toward outer interaction with anything, aware they're individual, 100% whole- within themselves, the highest of the high wisdom/doing is themselves, productive, show by example, do by inner direction- coming from the Source ( Free You or Free Source- both stand for the same, center of your lifetimes ), develop spiritual talents, abilities and skills, with discovering psychic/telepathic talents, abilities and skills, and build their health, by practicing stretching, movement, walk by inner source direction- with 360 degree awareness security, relaxation, at all times.

TRUST YOUR FEELINGS, isn't simply a mantra, it's not even a way of life, it's life expressing the best, for it, through beyond instantenous answers, directing what you do, say and breathe.

You're Microcosmic Truth; live the beauty of a creator, who creates, investigates, enjoys expressing, and moving to their inner Free Truth!

Tendo persons, are very creative, they listen to what's best for them, by acting without thinking, in what is the most deeply, living existence-possible.

They trust themselves, to do what's right, by listening to- their trust in their feelings!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

TenDo- # 127

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

What is the Prime Directive, of TenDo- simple- you create, build, and maintain Peace, within you.No one outside of you can create Peace, for you, only you; you're the Creator of Peace, in yourself, with others, and in the world. You, and only you, are the creator of Peace, in everything you do, react to, love, etc..

This means- you're the one most capable, most adroit, most compelling, peacemaker, in your life; you're the kingdom builder- of Peace.

Once created, or as it's being created, you utilize it, within your own movements, work, play, etc.. You don't share it; your Peace, cannot help others, know their Peace, within themselves.

Our Demartial Arts, is the creating of Peace, in all we do; we build, share, make Peace, to bring ourselves, our family, our world, to know the joy of Peace. We show- by example; by utilizing our Peace, in everything we do, including self-defense, when necessary.

In self-defense, we practice Peace, by allowing it, to guide our actions, to be the strength, we use, to do our self-defense actions, as well as, healing the bodymind, making the bodymind, into an instrument of Peace.

We are the Creator of Peace; we create Peace, by seeing and knowing, Peace is the answer, to all problems, but this doesn't mean others will be building Peace, within themselves. We have to show our Peace; allow it to guide our self-defense, counter moves, to actions, brought, against us.

Peace is love, tranquility, sharing, knowing, caring, and building bridges, to others, who come into our environments. We show Peace; we are Peace, we maintain Peace, we breathe Peace, we see the wonder of Peace, in nature, and space, showing love of Peace, throughout the Universe(s)

May you build Peace; in everything you do!

Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 126

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The creation of anger, within us, is always within us, and not created
by any act, etc., from those outside, of us.

Anger is caused by what we feel, within ourselves, reacting to
outside stimulus.

We have to look at our anger; find the reason, the incident is
causing us, to get angry.

Its caused by an emotion, within us; right there, it tells you it's
something you're either in denial about; or don't want to look at.

Second, be aware if you don't express your anger, correctly, that is,
by working on it, definitely,not exploding against others, you're building an
anger bank, so when you do explode, it'll be far beyond, the reason
you're now- angry.

TenDo- # 125

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Peace comes from quiteness; listen to your Silence and build Peace.

TenDo- # 124

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Life has within it- work, not necessarily the work a capitalistic,
socialistic, communistic country may have, but work, you love, and
is fun, rather than a drain, on your spirit.

To maintain high levels of energy, to transform, into work energy; you
must relax as much as you work; this means- balance out your life,
between relaxation and work.

The relaxation method is a good way, to relax your bodymind, in a
focused manner: 1. sit in a chair, 2. have shoes on or off, 3. breathe
deep, but without tension, 4. you're going to relax each aspect of
your bodymind; starting with the big toe, You are relaxing, deeply
relaxed, keep saying this, till you feel it relax, now, go up your foot,
legs, groin, solar plexus, heart, chest, shoulders, buttocks, lower
back, middle back, high back, shoulders front of the neck, back of the
neck, up and over the head, face and chin ( don't forget the eyes,
then end with your inner organs, bones and nerves- are relaxed.

Now say- my whole bodymind is deeply, deeply relaxed. You're in
deep relaxation. Just sit there, relax your mind, if necessary,
don't latch onto your thoughts; simply allow them, to flow, without
fixing onto you. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply, when you're
ready- you can open your eyes ( if you closed them ) and straighten
up; stand up and stretch upward, shake your bodymind, to get it
ready, to move, once again.

Do this for a number of differeent times, then start, relaxing the whole foot,
whole leg, whole groin and buttocks, whole chest, whole back, whole
nec, whole head and your entire bodymind.

Do this for a few different times, then do the whole bottom half of your
bodymind, then the upper half- deeply, deeply relaxed.

Relax you whole bodymind, with deep, deep relaxation- saying my
whole bodymind is deeply relaxed.

When you can do this, you can completely relax yourself anywhere, for a
few minutes deep relaxation, and energy boost; it allows you to step
away, from whatever was stressing you out.

May the MIcrocosmicForce be with You!

TenDo- # 123

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

When problems come up, you may use these steps, in problem-solving:

1. Specify the bottomline problem
2. Look for ways of solving the problem- brainstorm
3. Choose what looks like the right answer
4. Test it; and check the results
5. If it works, the problem is solved, if not,
6. look at the problem, in an alternative way.

An example of this comes from a book I have forgotten the name of,
and the author, but this author, showed how to look at alternatives.
The case is one, which came up in World War II. England needed to get
their planes out of the metal hanger buildings, the one which look
like tin bent over a previously, set up framing, this gives
you a long building, easily built.

The problem for the RAF was- to get the planes out of these hangers in 8
seconds. They tried everything, but they could not get those planes
out, and into the air, in eight seconds.

Finally, one of the task force, looked at in an alternative way- if we
can't get the planes out of the hanger in time, let's move the hanger
away, from the planes.

They tried this, and it worked. Alternative processing; finds the idea
that works.

Another way to find answers is to trust your feelings, and act without
thinking. Go with the flow, trust yourself, to do what's the right
answer, for the problem, you're focusing on.

TenDo- # 122

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In any deal, there's compromise. How much depends on each party, but
if you're trusting your feelings, you're inner center driven, and
you will not compromise one inch, on what you're feeling this is best
for you- creating a win-win-win happy ending.

Compromises must enrich the environment-planet; if it does not
you're sealing your own fate, and the fate of your spouse, children
and extended family, as well as, your friends, etc..

Positive compromise- where all parties win what they can live with, or
are enthusiastic, which is the best way to compromise; as long as, it's
within the healthy process- of the environment-planet.

This win-win-win solution gives rise to Peace; each person is
satisfied; the energy created is Peace energy.

Knowledgeable negotiators, work with the Microcosmic Force, so the deal is within
the Microcosmic Force, and is energized, by it.

TenDo- # 121

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

To get the things, right for us; we must negotiate, for them;
this means- being able to decide on a price, then negotiate, for
that price, or a better one.

In any negotiation, you're honest, and trust your feelings. You're
not responsible, for the other's actions, but you're responsible ,for

If you hit on a fair price, both agree to; the transaction is

If wants more than your willing to pay; walk away, you'll find it
another day within your price limits.

There are many forms of negotiation; with as many techniques, to do it,
so you win and: 1. the other feels they won, too, 2. you overpower them;
they leave feeling a loss, 3. they walk away, not satisfied
completely, but they can live with the transaction, 4. feel they've
been cheated, and hooked into a bad deal.

Win-Win-Win solutions are the best: you win, they win and the
environment-planet wins.

The Environment-Planet must win; if it does not, then you don't, for
you've driven another nail, into your coffin; if the planet fails-
you, and everyone else, dies.

TenDo- # 120

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Creating abundance in your life starts with loving yourself, for
unless, you know how to love yourself, you can not love, others.

You have to allow abundance, to come in; many have a hard time doing
this, they don't believe they're worth having abundance come to
them. You're worthy of abundance; you're unique; this makes
you priceless.

You create the Microcosmic Force Blessings, Microcosmic Blessings or Affirm Blessings, for
yourself, and others,;you create Peace in your thoughts, actions and
loving; you're spiritual; you do what's necessary, for you, to act
in the only way you can to be true to yourself.

Respecting abundance, don't say it should go to someone
else, it will, you're worthy, to have it, too, so allow it to
come to you.

Creating positive mindsets, which create openness and awareness, to take
up opportunities, when they come up, leads- to abundance.

Allowing yourself to have fun, dance, listen/play music, study, look
at new information, play with your computer, surf the web, all get you
into a relaxed state; it 's within relaxation, abundance can
come to you.

Be socially responsible; act in good faith; practice- having
faith in what you are doing, spiritually, mentally and physically.

Be open to risking; any new adventure has risk within it; if
you trust your feelings; act without thinking; you and the
Microcosmic Force will get you through, as you create Peace, in everything, you do.

Be open to loving others, and creating romance and love, with a special
person, or persons. Show you love; show your having a great time;
show you care, and share, with others.

Abundance of goodness shall be yours; Abundance of wealth and
goods- shall be yours, also.

TenDo- # 119

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

You deserve the best life you can create for yourself, spiritually,
mentally and physically. By doing this, for yourself, you're being- an
example, for everyone else.

You create the best life for you- by loving yourself, creating
appropriate affirmations, to continue your spiritual journey, and to
create positive activity, in your life.

Be creative, do what you love, work in that area you love, and are
comfortable, with.

Create Peace, within yourself, and create the Microcosmic Force. This is the best
way to live; to sow you're continually creating goodness, in your
life; this goodness can be picked up by others, who can use your
example, to do it, for themselves.

TenDo- # 118

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Each of us must reach out, stretch our feelings, and feel the living
life, within the Universe, in all of its variety and uniqueness.

We're not alone in the Universe; many races, in this Universe, are
not friends, to humans. They have kidnapped, tortured, and shaped
humans, and their consciousness, over centuries.

We must prepare individually, to find ways, within ourselves, to protect
ourselves, but also, on how to flow around this problem, and allow our
would be enemies, to stew in their own juices, about where we are, and
what we're doing.

To their shaped minds- we would be plotting against them, but in
actuality, we would be living our lives, to the trust in our feelings.

Meditate; utilize psychic abilities, talents and skills, to learn more
about yourself, your bodymind, and unlimit- your limitations, to see if
what lies beyond them, may help you grow, within yourself.

Always protect yourself, before doing this, with Super Microcosmic
Crystal White Light protection shield, defense shield and security
shields. Visualize them; know that crystal white light is
protecting you.

TenDo- # 117

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

You're not duty bound, to support any group or organization, outside of

It 's better not to be in a group or organization, who doesn't
understand- to be human, you must be free to make decisions,
without the limitation of mandatory beliefs.

It's better, to be here and now, trust your feelings, and acting
without thinking, through doing the only act you can do to be true to

To develop this way of living: 1. be here and now, 2. act
microcosmically, individually, 3. act in total freedom, of you're
responsible, for your own decisions and actions, 4. each action,
movement, can bring new feelings, act upon them, as you trust in your
feelings, to be your guide; so any answer isn't static, but brings in
information, even as you move to accomplish, 5. listen to yourself,
others and nature, 6. feel the way you move, and move, to your trust in
your feelings, 7. you are the wiseperson, over your life, no one or
nothing can do it, as well as, you can.

You're your own government; do not be limited by governmental
communities, but choose, and discard, to what you feel is true for you.

This doesn't mean confront what you don't feel is right for you, but
flow around it; live your life apart, from that, which isn't right
for you, even within the middle of the community, which blinds itself,
to its own ability, to know what's best, and true, for itself.

Governments are entities created out of fear of others; it tries
to govern itself, and its citizens, to the point of psychotic obession, over

Don't be poisoned by governments, be yourself, let them stew in
their own overlawed juices.

TenDo- # 116

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Do not limit yourself to only what you can see, move in the world, by
trusting your feeling, and acting, without thinking, building your
capacity, to be in the world, without being limited by it.

You're the Captain of you! You make the decisions, find the answers
and act to produce the best results.

Captain, we salute you!

TenDo- # 115

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Children are responsible, for their own persons. As a parent, your job
is to take care of them, love them, and teach them how to be

To allow them, to choose their own experiences, rather than being tied
down, to yours.

Teaching them how to survive, in a world, and in an environmen,t not of
their making, doesn't mean give them trauma about it. Teach lovingly,
not creating fear, within them; causing parent tapes, to hatch,
within their bodyminds, that will control them, by them introjecting
the one, who told them this rule/law of living, or rather of surviving,
the cruelty of the world.

Children are not a burden, but a gift. Parents do not do this alone,
but join with other parents, sharing problems and rewards,
and building parental understanding, on how to allow your children freedom,
to be themselves, at the same time, learn, to limit their actions, to
only what's true, for them; in this way, be safe- in an safe and
unsafe world.

TenDo- # 114

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

You're responsible, for your health, and your- health wellness.
Preemptive finding of health problems give a better chance ,to catch
and eliminate them, rather than waiting, for it to worsen, and not
be containable.

Utilize meditation, psychic awareness of your health, healings, and
medical attention, when needed, to be on top of any problem, or any
new positive light of health, that comes to you.

Medical attention is formula at best; the doctors are more
interested in getting their cash prices and maintaining their high level
of charges, than they are in seeing all of humanity have excellent
health care. The AMA fights to keep only a limited number of doctors
graduating, saying these are the best schools, and any others won't do
as well, and may actually be harmful. In reality, this is a monopoly,
making sure not too many doctors come into the medical profession, so
doctors can keep their money flowing in.

Add to this the Pharmaceuticals, who charge what they can, without
caring, about those who are suffering; they only want to make as much
money, as they can, so in America they charge astronomically, and if
the poor and the elderly can't pay, oh well. Pharmceuticals by their
greed and avarice are the indirect cause of deaths in Americans, and
the world, when they refuse to lower prices, so all can have the
medicine, they need. They try to defuse their detractors, now, by
selling the medicine to third world countries at generic prices, or
give it away free, to show how philothranpic they are, then raise
prices in America, so Americans can pay, for the drugs, they're taking
a loss on.

Pure heart- those pharmecuticals! They are bypassing doctors, now and
putting ads on TV, to get patients to ask their doctors about the
drugs they may need, to keep their health, at the best, it can be.

This is a war tactic, of an invading corporation, who wants to mindbend
you, to do what they want, causing you to do what isn't necessarily
good for you, and putting pressure on doctors, to prescribe their medicines.

Their partner in this criminal negligence of Americans and the world
populations, is the government. They're hand and glove, with the
corporations- exisiting in and outside of this country. Where are they
going to work, if they leave government service, to those very
corporations they oversaw, as government representatives. Congress is
the perfect example of this; leave Congress and become a lobbyist. You
have to wait a year, but hey, you can use that time, to recontact those
you want to represent; you have the inside, for you were in the
hallowed halls of political power and position.

All of this is to say, you're the captain- of your health. Do not just
take a doctors word, for what you should do, if you're uncomfortable
with a doctor, go to another one.

Work to bring down the cost of drugs, make pharmeceuticals, become
less sharky, and more benevolent; make doctors, and their AMA,
quit trying to limit the number of doctors, and allow, as many doctors
to graduate, who do the course and field work, showing they're capable
of being doctors on their own; notch-up the wisdom and training of
nurses, make doctors recognize, they're professionals; they can utilize
their skills, without his support; they can be full partners, within the
medical service; nurses can bring healing, by merely, being, present,
as well as laying of hands, to stimulate healing, within a patient.
Comfort, wisdom and service are the valued components, of nurses.

Again, don't accept any medical diagnosis, without asking questions, as
many as necessary, to have you feel comfortable; you're the captain of
your health, and as such, you're the one, who makes the final
decisions, not anyone else.

TenD0- # 113

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Understand this- there are no orphans in the world, each adult and
each teenager, is first a parent, to these children, and second a
teacher by word, or example.

Children, who have no real parents, have billions of care-parents;
each of us must realize we have a commitment, to the world, to see-
the children of the world are taking care of.

In devastation, or countries far from our own, what can we do?

Support agencies, who are helping these children, and create child-home
centers, in which, they're raised, knowing they're all children, of
the human race, and each is- very special. They're a family, join all
other families, in creating, the social way- of the world.

Children are the highest treasure, of the human race, and the Earth.
The Earth does not like it, when its children hurt, or are being hurt
by others. War and killing of innocent children are the surest way, for
the human race, to lose its relationship, with the Earth.

The Earth, welcomes children, and if anyone does not, they lose their
connection, with the Earth ( along with those who rape and pillage its
surface, for their own greed, and power ends ).

Cold orphanages are out; child-homecare centers are in; they are to be
warmly designed, and decorated, to give the most freedom to the child, as
possible. Freedom, shaped by wisdom and love, gives a child the
ability to become a self-responsible person, and one, who's given love,
in turn shares their love, with others.

What about those who don't want this, who turn away from love, and live
in disharmony, for whatever reason.

We, care-parents, put out Microcosmic Blessings, Microcosmic Force Blessings and Affirm Blessings,
upon them, each day; at the same time, we create and support
care-social centers, and counseling, for each child, who's having
adjustment concerns.

No child is evil or bad; they're simply not capable of seeing their
own inner worth. It's our service- to help them see, and build upon,
that self-worth, self-esteen and self-responsibility.

TenDo- # 112

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Human education, gained by going to elementary, junior high, high
school, junior college, university experiences, is basically for
living in the world, and in the world, today, this means, usually, gaining as much money, as

Knowledge, whether through education or self-study, gives a doorway
to spiritual living, peace action, love, meditation, tranquility,
psychic-teleapathic-spiritual experiences and actions done.

In Western society, the unfortunate method most used is science, which
wants to control life, by putting a screen overlay of
mathematical/physics/theory methodology, between human living, and the
dangerous, and choatic, real physical reality/world. This is supported
and corrupted by the Christian Bible, who through, an act of judicial
ultimateness, says- man is to dominate the lands and animals of the

Eastern society is more open to spiritual, and psychic/telepathic
understanding, but it to is caught up in an overlay web of untruth
and power plays ( which fuels the western way, also ), by the
seduction of getting spirituality, through another. This seduction of
giving your own energies away; create an hierarchy of power and
warfare, as spiritual expressions, of the same reality, fight for
dominance over their territories-

The reality of freedom, comes only, when each is self-responsible, for
their own spiritual underestanding. The best teaching is- where the
teacher teaches to the student's need, not to their own biases.

TenDo teaches each must create/build/act out their own peace, love,
tranquility, and psychic-telepathic-spiritual talents, abilities and
skills, to the highest, of their ability, to do so.

TenDo- # 111

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

TenDo demartial artists, utilize Microcosmic Blessings/Microcosmic Force Blessings/Affirm
Blessings are Microcosmic Necessity Truth; found in network
operation with the Microcosmic Force, and can be said- to vibrate with trueness,
with The Microcosmic Force.

The Microcosmic Force is created, through the action of Microcosmic
Blessings/Microcosmic Force Blessings/Affirm Blessings, as well as, when each of us act in the
only way we can act to be true to ourselves.

When we act by giving out Microcosmic Blessings/Microcosmic Force Blessings/Affirm Blessings- we
are creating the Microcosmic Force, and networking with the Microcosmic Force Network, at the
same time, for creation of the Microcosmic Force, draws the Microcosmic Force, and our
workings, are both guided by the Microcosmic Force and theMicrocosmic Force is guided by our
actions as well, the sign of true friendship.

TenDo- # 110 VIP

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

TenDo practitioners know it's their responsibility, to create
the environments, they want to live/visit/act in.

TenDo demartial artists realize they're responsible, for their
own attitudes, and at the same time, they're responsible to how they
interact with their environments; they create a peace, energy,
pulsating cloud, which creates Peace harmonics, which the environment,
you're in, can choose to match or not, depending on the environments
energy flow, and lifepath, of each being, at this, here and now- moment.

Here is a very important lesson- no matter what lifepath points, each
being puts out in a plan, they're open to higher vibrations Peace,
Love and Tranquility. They can be transformed, into this new way of
being, within this particular- environment, they continue on, as a new way
of being, within their new life plan. Nothing is set; it's because you
want it to express something about you; if you don't like the way
your life is going, transform you and your environment, by Microcosmic
Blessing or Microcosmic Force Blessings or Affirm Blessings, or Aha! Experience, seeing truth out of
blindness and making it your own.

TenDo- # 109

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Jedi/Dream Dancer PeaceCreators garden any environment they go into; showing
themselves and others, by example, the importance of working, within
and beyond, the environment you're in, but feeling the activity, within
the environment, and work in accord with it.

By doing this, you get a handle on what's needed in the environment;
you can see if what you can offer is going to help, with any
problems, etc. you may find yourself in, within this environment.

Some of the tools to use- are: 1. affirmations, 2. unconditional love,
3. talking to plants, 4. send out healing and vibrational harmony, to
all, within the environment, 5. moving something, that wants to move, 6.
acting within a health and well being pattern/symbol, 7. Don't Worry-
Be Happy.

You are a Peacecreator; you create peace, within yourself, then
actively use this energy, to create openness and awareness, about how
they, too, can protect and care, for the environment you'/theyre in.

TedDo- # 108

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Children are a Blessing; no child is an orphan; all adults are
de facto parent, for every child. Be authentic; work with children,
with the knowledge, they have rights, and as adults, we must respect those

Children have responsibilities; they do or not do, depending on the
home atmosphere; they're growing up in.

Children want freedom, but they often, don't want the responsibility that goes along with freedom; parents are still the most important force, and information site they go to.

Violence against children is not acceptable; sexual rape, etc.,
against children is not acceptable.

Adults must deal with their problems, by getting the help they need,
and leaving children alone.

All adults are protectors of children. An adult ,who doesn't do this,
are the thing, the children are to be protected against- is to be
brought to trial, punishment given out, for the crime, but also, for
not being a caretaker, of children everywhere.

Children are persona non gratis, to any adult, who would commit a crime
against them, whether this is their parent(s), or strangers; hurt a
child, and the fullness, of the Ethical basis of human condition, is
broken, and must be taken into account, if convicted.

TenDo- # 107

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Accept the people you love, friends, and family, as they are. You don't
want to change them, but you want to help them, if they come to you.

People are who they are, because, they have a path they're following,
this path is a path of major points. How you get between these points
is up to you; what you do, when you get there, is up, to you.

The idea of creating a major point path, before you rebirth, yourself, is
simply saying- you do not have confidence in your ability to do, when
the experience is happening right here and now.

Having an idea of what you would do, in a certain situation, isn't the
same, as being there ,as it's coming down.

Don't forge yourself into only one answer; be open, to act in the
only way you can act to be true to yourself.

Accept yourself; don't try to change yourself, but grow through
self-transformation, as you experience life, and learn, from your actions,
within those actions.

No puppetmaster living; only open, aware, caring, sharing, authentic
here and now processing, by acting in the only way you can act to be
true to yourself. This builds the Microcosmic Force and Peace, within you, and
within it. Peace is the authentic side, of the Microcosmic Force.

TenDo- # 106

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Accept people as they are; don't think you're going to change them,
because you're not. People don't change; they transform; the
transformation comes from within them, not outside, of themselves.

When meeting someone for the first time; listen, hey will tell you
about themselves, within the first four minutes.

Listening means empathy ; here are some ways- of listening, for
what the person is really saying about themselves:
1. look at the bodymind
2. look at the eyes; the eyes never lie
3. know that lips lie; bodymind doesn't, ever
4. hear what they're saying; what they aren't saying, with
non-verbal communication
5. look at their posture; what does this say about them; what are
your feelings telling you about this person
6. presentation; how does the person present him/her/itself
7. is he/she/it a talker, or does their talking come fromtheir minds, to cover up
nervousness, etc.,
8. what do their clothes say about the person
9. what nervous habits do they have
10. what personality do they put forward
11. do they feel honest, caring, sharing, authentic, etc.
12. do they drink alot, while you're getting to know them
13. are they friendly; do they look you in the eyes, when talking
or when you're talking
14. do they act interested in you
15. do they want to know about you
16. what energy do you get from them.

This a few of the ways ,you can get to know a person, but there are
others- find out which work in the situation you're in.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

TenDo- # 105

You're a domestic, rock and roll, wildlife being, and as such, as
your care for your environments, you care of yourself.

You're to work with you; you within your bodymind, just as you
would with an outside environment, you walk into.

This means: 1. watch your health, 2. eat right, or if you can't eat
right, use a keyword to stand for a affirmation, to get the nutrients
your bodymind needs, 3. you're a whole; you do not exist in
parts, all you do is wholistic, 4. make sure you get plenty of sleep,
exercise, fitness, etc. 5. make sure you get enough sleep, 6. don't
over stress, 7. Don't Worry, Be Happy

You're the caretaker of you, and to put it bluntly, don't fail to
respect yourself, by taking care of yourself. It's your
self-responsibility, to do this.

TenDo- # 104

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Learning is very important in becoming a TenDo Practictioner, but
learning outside of yourself is only one step, equally important is
learning from trusting your feelings, meditating, and experiencing the
universe, and other realities, through astral projection, or psychic
scans, of that area of physical/mental/spiritual truths and

Social learning is good for understanding, where the social order
places its beliefs, and what it has learned and studied, to make the
society what it is today, here and now. These social orders, though,
are caught up ( usually ) in the there and then, and lose contact, with
here and now- experience.

This creates limited awareness of the beauty which lies around them,
here and now. They're so caught up, in the future, or the past,
the present is lost to them; within their bodyminds, anger builds,
at their blank ability, to be in the here and now, so internal conflict

The anger builds, and the person, who doesn't want to know what they
aren't doing, represses this anger, but whatever you repress, only
draws more energy, to itself, and continually works, to breakout of the
jail you psychologically put it in.

Conflict is now seething underneath the person's skin; not just one,
at first, but a multitude of conflicts, which sooner or later, one
conflict connects, to all the others, and becomes the top conflict-
hiding the others, under its umbrella methodology, of getting around the
repressions and blocks, the person uses, as their strategy, to ignore it.

The person is in constant battle, with this conflict overguide;
it takes alot of their energy, to maintain this internal war, which it
secretly believes is good, for it, but it still fights with it, for it
gives them a sense of power over something.

The stronger this battle becomes, the more the person uses stiffness
of activity, to support their internal war against themselves, the less flexible they are. They own
these conflicts, as an indication of themselves, which they're not,
they're simply thoughts, emotions, reasons; these aren't owned,
they're simply looked at, and we decide, if they fit us or not.

The more the person stiffens- he/she/it builds resistance, to moving in
certain ways; the bodymind symbolizes this- by stiffing muscle
groups, and nerves groups, from being able to move in, only ways
good, to try to resolve this internal battle. Wilhelm Reich
called this resistance, to healthy movement, body armor; we will
call it the same. It is muscle, armor rigid, so it can't move, in ways,
that will touch the internal conflict, going on, within the person.

The extreme of this is full catatonic arrest, where the person is
frozen, in a symbolic expression, and can't move, for the armor has
become so restricted ( at the person's will ) that he/she/it is afraid
to move, but can hear everything, going on, around them.

Reichian therapy, Bioenergetics, Dance Thearpy, Movement Therapy all
work with the bodymind, to loosen this armor, allowing the person, to
work through the conflicts, one at a time, but in reality, when the red character ( Reich )
is found, and worked through, the armor conflict, is resolved; the others, attached to this red line character, are resolved at the same time.

The healthy person, or the Tendo Man/Woman/Being is one, who works with
conflicts, byworks through them, without repressing them,
being here and now, working daily, to experience their lives, and
others, in an open and accepting way.

TenDo- # 103

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

A TenDo practictioner knows- where human reason is concerned, there's
going to be good laws and bad ones.

TenDo practictioners work with laws, when they're within the trust of
their feelings actions, but flow around bad laws, that conflict with,
their acting in the only way they can act to be true to themselves.

Conflict is a part of life, but it can be kept down to a minimum, if
you act in the only way you can to be true to yourself, by trusting
your feelings.

Conflict is inherent in social orders; they're built on reason or
emotion; conflict resonates all through them. They're all
based on phsyical/mental understanding or emotional
responses/dictates; this means- all social rational orders build
into them, unconsciously, the will to power.

TenDo practices will to love/will to peace/will to trust their
feelings. They do so, by being individual- moving and trusting their
feelings, to guide them to act in the only way they can act to be true
to themselves.

Social orders are the antipathy to spiritual living, rather than an
expression of it. Mental activity or reason is limited; your mind can
only think so far, then it gets frustrated and jumps back to the
beginning of the problem, etc., you're working on. It works in parts,
and hopes, to find the answer, by analyzing the parts, and find answers,
to each of them. They work to solve the whole problem, or to have success working on parts of the problem; second, they hope to get an ephiphany to see how to put the whole, together, from all the parts
available, within the problems.

TenDo is the answer to reliance on social orders, for lifestyle-
greatness. TenDo practitioners trust their feelings; feelings work in answers;
not parts. TenDo Practictioners act without thinking, and build
greatness into any enviroment/activity, they're in.

TenDo- # 102

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Peace isn't a concept, but a creation, within you, created by your actions,
thoughts, precepts, and talents, abilities and skills, guided by your
attention, to do that, which falls, within the realm of a creator of peace.

Peace is found, within your bodymind, when you create it, within
yourself. Your bodymind symbolizes this activity, within your
bodymind; you will be a beacon, for Peace, to those, who see you
physically, and by your total, energy influencing other energies, in
their psychic awareness- of you ( whether they believe in psychic
energy or not )

Build Peace activities, in your daily living; you will be one of the
beacons, to bring Peace, to the world.

TenDo- # 101

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Microcosmic Blessings/Microcosmic Force Blessings/Affirm Bleesings are opposite of MacroBlessings, of other religions and mindsets, used. They work with groups, whether alone or with others.
This means their work's energy level is cut by at least 50%, usually more.

Microcosmic Blessings/Microcosmic Force Blessings comes from you; it's 100% working, for you, when
you bless yourself, others, etc., with its high energy output.

TenDo- # 100

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Before eating food, or drinking a drink, put Microcosmic Blessing/Microcosmic Force Blessings, upon each
of them.

Microcosmic Blessings/Microcosmic Force Blessings/Affirm Blessings on yourself, as well.

This harmonize you, with what, your about to eat. You can use a
keyword(s), to represent this, but saying Microcosmic Blessings/Microcosmic Force Blessings/Affirm Blessings builds your awareness of its Super Microcosmic Crystal White Light;
builds your belief in it, so say it, as much as you can, and it becomes
a beacon, for your happiness, your ability, to handle whatever comes
to you.

TenDo- # 99

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

TenDo Peacecreators know if he or she or it, is aware of, and
trustful of their feelings, they won't be where trouble is.

Trouble to an individual arises because of: 1. reincarnation anger
holdover, 2. self-anger, 3. faulty thinking and expression of emotion,
4. mental illness/mental problems 5. don't know how to handle the
emotions they're feeling, 6. belief- they have the right to do
whatever they need to, to be top dog in their environment, 7. monetary
considerations, 8. relationship dominance, 9. emotional baggage and
belief- they own the ones they have chosen to be close to them,
10. jealous nature, because of being insecure, 11. wanting power over
others, to know they're powerful, they don't trust their inner
feelings, 12. fear of life, and elements, within their life, 13. lack of
self-esteem, 14. feel the world or their parents owe them something (
they don't ), 15. want to find the easy way, through being
willing to commit crimes against their fellowpersons, 16. sexual need,
to overpower, those weaker, than themselves. etc..

The TenDo person knows by trusting their feelings, and living up
to what answers they give- he, she, it won't be where danger is.

Trust in your feelings, and in your ability, to listen to those feelings;
act on them, without thinking, this will provide the non-troubled path,
for the person, who knows their own value, in trusting- their feelings.

TenDo- # 98

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Life brings many problems to solve; one of the best ways to do this-
is by roleplaying, with the different elements, within the problem.

Roleplaying can be done, with a problem, within yourself, a problem
wanting a solution outside of yourelf, problems with the unknown,
problems with UFO abductions/contacts, UFO sightings, paranormal
sightings and happenings, military ops, etc..

First, list all the different elements, in the problem; you're
aware of; those you aren't will come up in the roleplaying, or will be
resolved, along with another element you're working on. End this list,
with the word " background ".

Now, get two chairs, set them across from each other, with a
small space between them. One chair represents you- the questionaire;
the other, the element you're holding a conversation with.

To start- look at the element ( visualize it sitting in the chair, like
a cartoon character or a representation of what the element is ) and
ask- " What do you have to say to me? ".

Next, get up and sit in the other chair; you're now the element;
answer the interviewer back. Obviously, the more honest you are, the
better answers you'll give, and the better questions you will ask.

Interview exchange continues till all figure elements have been worked
on, then you go back to the ones left over- see if there are
any new figure elements, that have to be worked on ( when you list the
elements in the problem figure elements will stand out as ones you are
most interested in ). If so, then work with these elements, till you
have worked with all of them, then once more, look at any remaining
elements, to see, if new figure elements have appeared, if yes, roleplay
with them, if not, then your final roleplay element will be- background.

Viola, you're done; if the problem is solved, congratulations; if
not, then the problem has now gotten new elements coming, from your
roleplaying. List these, start the roleplaying again; keep doing
this, till your feel comfortable, not working on the now dissected
problem, anymore, or you're happy it has been resolved.

The question may be in your mind, how do I know if the resolvement is
true or not, trust your feelings, and know your bodymind never
lies; lips lie; bodyminds don't.

TenDo- # 97

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Do not limit your methods of travel, to only those, brought about by
man/woman's ability to reason and work out problems by problem-solving
and probability/possibility mathematics.

Be open to new modes of travel, brought to you by your trust in your
feelings. Travel, which is within the only act you can do to be true to
yourself, isn't limited to for profit or for charity traveling
methods, but sees travel- open to, beyond normal, unrestricted ways of
reaching your goal destination.

What are these; that's up to you, to find, by acting in the only way
you can act to be true to yourself; allow yourself, to dream big,
and creatively, without restraint; acting on what you find, by moving without thinking,
in the only way you can to be true to yourself.

TenDo- # 96

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

You meditate or dream, to go on inner journeys; they're a travelog, of
experience, which is symbolic or reality. It's up to you, to trust your
feelings, to find out, which is right, for what you're seeing.

Creative Dreaming is a method, in which, you take control of your
dreams, but at the same time, you don't give up, on allowing dreams, to find
their own way to completeness; this is your inner creativity coming
out, and showing you, there's more to you, than you know.

These kinds of travel ( dreams or reality or psychic ) are travelogs
you're experiencing, because it's the right time, for you to do so.
When the time/errrrr....the experience- is right, for you, to see, it will come
to you, in whatever way is best,, for its message, to be seen, in symbols,
or reality actions.

Your travels in the physical, mental or spiritual are multiwonders of
discovery, suspense, learning, euphanies, and creative insights. It
is up to you, to discover, what these activities are trying to tell or
show you.

In meditation, when you astral travel, always protect yourself, before
going out ( same when you're giving psychic readings or discussions )
know- astral and etheric planes are filled with those, who will
tell you the truth, and those who will work an angle, which will give
them a win, and you a loss.

The astral and etheric planes are frontiers; frontier awareness is
needed, to get what you want. Remember- to look, at whatever you see or
hear or feel- twice; many things you see are staked hunting images,
to draw you to them. Know what's really there, and act in the only way
you can act to be true to yourself.

TenDo- # 95 Martial Arts

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

A TenDo Practictioner studies martial arts, for self-defense, but
doesn't see themselves as a weapon, but as a blunting force, that
changes the flow of physical, mental or psychic action away from them,
and as a- learning experience, for those, who are using themselves, as a

TenDo Practictioners see/create/live as Peacecreators, who create
peace within themselves, by acting in the only way they can act to be
true to themselves. They know this by trusting their feelings and
acting without thinking.

Peace is created, within the person, as is the will to love, an
active lifesyle choice, and experience, within them. Peace is created at
the same time, as the Microcosmic Force is created, when each acts in the only way
they can act to be true to themselves.

TenDo- # 94

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Be a friend to all life forms, etc.. While doing this, give Microcosmic
Blessings/ Microcosmic Force Blessing/Affirm Blessings, to all you meet, thereby supercharging their interaction with the purest of Microcosmic Blessings, and The Microcosmic Force being created,
and working with, what you're doing.

Microcosmic Blessings/Microcosmic Force Blessings/Affirm Blessings are the gift of insight, from one who sees psychically, to those who don't, but they can feel the truth, of words spoken to them.

Utilize Microcosmic Blessings/Microcosmic Force Blessings/Affirm Blessings, as much, and as many times you want.

Build the Microcosmic Force; work with the Microcosmic Force, in accomplishing, what you feel
is necessary, for it, to take a hand in.

TenDo- # 93

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

A TenDo demartial artist listens to his feelings, and trusts them, to
guide him, to make the right decision, without thinking by
trusting your feelings, and remembering- feelings don't act in
questions, only in answers.

The more you trust, and act, on your feelings- without thinking; the
stronger you bind, with your feelings, become. This helps your
psychic abilities, talents and skills, as well.

This is especially true, with those, who act and create peace out of
their actions, their thoughts and their goals. PeaceCreatorship uses
each person's ability, to trust their feelings, to train them, in going
with their gut feelings, when a decision is to be made.

The same is true with problem-solving; trust your feelings; act
without thinking. This creates an action, that will be created in the
Microcosmic Force; at the same time, it will be an action of activism- creating peace,
within what you do, and who you are.

May the Microcosmic Force be With You!

TenDo- # 92

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Diversity of cultures, ideas, thoughts, working together, etc., is a
gift to us all, for we're going to be friendly and non-threatening, to
all those, who want to create a liasion between the culture and yourself.

Find the best in each culture; focus on building those; adding
Microcosmic Blessings to the mix, to make everything, happy and

Respect other cultures and peoples; look at them, with fresh eyes, not
ones, murderous, and already made up, to how you're going to
see, whoever is in your visual environment.

Respect the individual's expressions, of the culture, they're familiar
with, and comfortable with; life is never dull, as long as, you live
like you want; you're in high energy mode, to light up your aura and
your mental capacities. Individuals are the backbone of any country.
Individuals are the backbone of citizen diplomacy, etc..

May the Microcosmic Force be with each of You!

TenDo- # 91

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Money is not the root of all evil; its the blindness of greed, that makes people
think the money they can accumulate, will give them happiness and love,
simply by having it.

Money is a commodity. It has no power to influence anyone or anything.
It's your reaction and choices, when dealing with money, that makes it
wrong, or having an need for it, beyond any other. Psychological
totality that's you, here and now, creates the decision, to see money
as an end all, rather than as a commodity, to help you get the rewards you

Money becomes a spiritual blessing, when used wisely, shared and used
to create, even more money, so more can be helped.

Your money may be blessed- with your belief and understanding, using
the Microcosmic Force, or by giving it Microcosmic Blessings. In doing this,
each bill becomes a blessing carrier, for any who touches it.

You may also bless the actions you're undertaking, to get the money,
treasure, etc.; those who touch the money, etc., are given a
blessing for their health, peace and reward.

Invest, share, spend, give it away, etc., all these become Blessings
gifts, when you Bless, each of them.

You're the farmer sowing seeds of Blessings- that will go around,
helping as many people as it comes in contact with.

May the Microcosmic Force be With You!

TenDo- # 90

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Conflict is when- two or more sides, want to outdo the other. TenDo
students do not have to win over others; they know they're doing
right, when they walk away from battle, rather than trying to win over

If the circumstances dictate there's no way to go, if you're in a
corner, and do not have the ability of Psychic Escape, or
Microcosmic Total Creation, then utilize defense techniques, until you
create an opening, then leave. This is your goal, not winning the
battle, but only fighting til you can end it, by walking away.

TenDo- 89

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In the art of life- it's wise to build friendships and alliances,
both natural and unusual, but always in your actions, listen to your
feelings; act in the only way you can act for you; by doing
this, you're acting in the right way, for everyone around you, and
throughout all realities, etc..

Psyhcic abilities are the cream on the cake, but the prize is, when
you can utilize your total individualism, to act in Total Creation;
to whatever you See, Know and Put out, all else comes together, and
makes the Creation real; it's the best path, for all, as they see
it; acting in the only way they can to be true to themselves.

TenDo- # 88

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Develop a strong trust- in your feelings; an even stronger habit, of
scanning 360 degrees- around you; listen to your feelings; when
danger is coming, leave the scene; ou do not want to deliver
yourself up to the Darkside of the Force.

Act in the only way you can to be true to yourself. This means you
act til you have an anvenue of departure; when it's safe, you
leave the situation, where both or more win and none loses.

TenDo- # 87

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Blocks in our life, come, when we use expectations, to live out our
life, and to create things, we think we need, without any real

Forcing your life into a path it knows is bad for you, causes
hardship, repression and blocks, to build; if not worked through,
turns into Muscular Armor ( Wilhelm Reich ).

Expectations are the ruin of many a person. Whether by needing them
as an addiction, or letting jealousy eat you up, because someone else
has what you want.

Transform all expectations; let your feelings be your guide, by
listening to them, and acting without thinking. Therebye, acting in
the only way you can act to be true to yourself.

TenDo- # 86

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The key to being out of harm and negative reach, is not be where it

How do we do this, we move in accord with our trust in our feelings,
listening to them, so we're able to bypass danger, negativity, etc.

Practice walking, riding, etc.; go where you know it's right, for
you to go.

Practice just walking; be ready to listen to your feelings, if they
feel you should go a different way, walk a different way ( physical
movement of your bodymind ), or stop, and wait, till the danger has

Know your feelings- shall guide you into acting in the only way
you can act to be true to yourself.

TenDo- # 85

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

To practice, means- trust your feeling, as you walk through the moves
first, then speed up, as it becomes more familiar to you, within your
bodymind moves.

Practicing other martial arts, is okay, as long as you see the blocks,
kicks, and forms as redirection, then act in the only way you can to
be true to yourself, by trusting your feelings.

Hurting another being, or yourself, is showing the deepest disrespect to
yourself and your opponent, find the way to win-win-win-win ( meaning you
win, your opponent wins the earth wins-the Universe wins ).

Trust your psychic senses, by trusting your feelings, of what your
vision is trying to tell you. Develop your psychic talents, abilities
and skills, super etc., super etc., super etc., super etc.. Your attitude helps your totality, to
act in the way, within the way- of TenDo.

Psychic expressions of abilities, talents and skills, in this area, are
a natural aspect of your being, don't deny them, nor over appreciate
them, in living your life. They're tools; work to express and do
what you feel is right, for you, to do.

Be able to laugh at yourself; when others laugh with you, you can
laugh with them, when others laugh at you, you know they're
attacking you; trying to throw you off balance, let it roll over
you, like water off a duck's feathers.

If you get angry, with someone or something, find out what anger
repression you're taping into, in your anger bank, within your bodymind.

TenDo- # 84

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Practice your moves, till you do them without thinking; practice
your spiritual beliefs, till they're you.

To know your spiritual beliefs- do not accept others words, without
testing out the words, to what's right, for you.

This means take silence time; look at each one; trust your
feelings, to feel if they're something you can believe in. If not,
discard them; if they feel true, then make them, an aspect of yout total
expression- of you.

Teachings give you doorways; it's up to you, to walk through, or not.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TenDo- # 83

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

TenDo is the martial art of Peace defense, and alternative offense,
where the goal is- to create win-win-win-win situations and accomplishments.

This isn't to say, you don't protect yourself, you do, but you do
it by the way of Peace, and not by the way of attack and
counterattack, as in the principles and ways, of other martial arts,
defense systems.

In TenDo, when attacked, you use blocking, utilize stances, and
moves off of stances, to keep distance, between you and the one trying
to attack you, but by following the principles of TenDo and Dream
Dancing, you will not be where trouble is.

Each person, being, who utilizes TenDo, acts in the only way they can
to be true to themselves. This means- they choose to be self-responsible.

By developing Peace moves and sequences, they become more flexible,
and capable, of finding the answer, to the problems facing them, through
trusting their feelings, and acting upon them without thinking. This
complete trust in their own feelings, comes through the acceptance of
their total self-responsibility, for their actions, choices, decisions,
and helping.

Service is a major point within TenDo. To do service to others, allows
you to accept service, from others, when you need it. Doing service
allows you to learn humility, and humbleness of action and choice. It
teaches you the way of gratefulness, being able to show it, to
the one, who helped you, without feeling angry you had to have someone
help you.

TenDo- # 82

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Peace comes through sexual enlightment, sexual freedom, awareness of
the dangers that can come, from too much- free sex, without an eye to
protect your health and your life.

Wear a condom! Be safe, but this doesn't mean you can't have more than
one partner, but simply play safely, and remember- no condom is 100% safe.

TenDo- # 81

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

One of the most dangerous ways of thinking is to get caught up in
group think, in which, you allow the group thought, to become yours,
while your own thought is repressed, to create harmony, within the group.

Individual thought is better than group think; it doesn't limit itself
to what others think; individuals have to think, for themselves.

Along with group think is leadership, in which, one leads and the others
follow, a sure way to disaster, this is why military armies, etc.,
of this world, keep the ancient way of dealing with problems- war, alive.

Individuals do not need leaders, they need information gatherers and
sharers, so they can make their own decisions; these decisions
will be from- their trust in their feelings. The filter of your
feelings will allow you to make informed, truthful Truths,
giving you the right action and reaction, for those being acted upon.

TenDo- # 80

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Within the growing and creating of Peace, within you, remember- you're
free to choose and act on those choices,anytime. Choices build Peace,
when they're done in harmony, balance, crystal white light and awareness, of
the effect the choices will have not only for you, but for others.

Choose well! Practice ideas of decision-making, problem-solving, by
trusting your feelings. Act without thought; create your insight
vision, on the environment, and the spirit behind that environment.

You create your truth and act in the only way you can to be true to

Trust your feelings and act upon their here and now wisdom. Act here
and now for any feelings.

TenDo- # 79

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

To create Peace ,within yourself, and through your actions bring your
Peace to outside environments and networks, you must leave cultural
bigotry behind and enjoy and grow from utilizing, and being utilized,
by the many cultures, that make up our planet.

Cultural diversity creates ongoing creativity and growth.

TenDo- # 78

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

A child born upon the Earth is the child of every adult upon the
earth, except for those who would harm the child, for their own
delights and demons.

No child is an orphan. Every child has billions of parents.

Society is known by how it treats its children. The U.S. sucks at-
taking care, of its children. Captialism only supports those who can
work and make money, for the wealthy. Those who can't, aren't worthy,
they need to be out of sight, and eventually, hopefully, they'll die,
allowing the undertaker, to make money off of them, for that's all
they're good for, in the wealthy's view, of the world.

Show love- for the children of the world; stop crime and hatred- in
its tracks.

TenDo- # 77

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Each of us has an aura, but that aura isn't passive, it changes color,
to express what that area of your bodymind is feeling, expressing,
etc.. It does more than this, it's an active aspect, of your
being, for it's you- and is an important aspect, in any decision you
make, or any psychic/telepathic action- you do.

TenDo- # 76

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Let go of your hatreds, angers, prejudices, etc., they make you more
vulnerable to attack, from others, outside of yourself; do not get
involved in making decisions, from group discussion, trust your
feelings, act from them- without thinking.

Doing this, gives you the Truth you need, to express yourself, as it's the only
act you can do to be true to yourself; you create Peace, at the same
time, as Truth creates Peace; untruths create disharmony.

Truth creates Peace!

TenDo- # 75

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

We must remember- each of us, is on their own path, we must
walk that path, until we raise our awareness, our spiritual awareness, enough,
to allow us to reformulate our path, not by us doing something, but
the path, itself, will redesign itself, to express, our new spirituality.

To help in this, use Microcosmic Blessings, to help yourself, and to
ready your path, for new self-designing, as it reshapes itself, to match
your new understanding and capacity, to be spiritual.

TenDo- # 74

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson,, 2010

Peace isn't just a thought; it's an action, of how, to do that, which
may be fun, or future actions won, because of actions taken now, as you
live and create Peace, and creative possibilities.

Here are some talents to look up and learn, for whatever possibilites
that may come up, or to you, in the future.

Learn Tracking, Surviving in the Wilds, learn the ways of Urban Back-
in the BlackBoard Jungles, in cities, all over the world. The same is
true for RuralBack, rural parts of the worlds, learn how to farm, how
to grow crops and etc.. Learn how to survive, in any dangerous place,
The OutBack, Jungles, RainForests, etc.

TenDo knows- the more you know, the more able you are- to live and
create Peace.

TenDo- # 73

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

What is the color of Peace

The color of Peace is green; Peace is growth through win-win-win
solutions, or instantenours acts of the Microcosmic Force, by those who listen and
act- without thinking, on the only act they can do to be true to

We create the green color of Peace, when we act to live our lives in
Peace, but when necessary, defend ourselves, by acting in the only way
we can act to be true to ourselves, through listening and acting, by
trusting our feelings. You always have an answer, by trusting your

You know you have accepted the idea, the creativity, the meaning
and action of Peace, when you know Peace is an action; and your
actions are guided by the only act you can do to be true to yourself.

TenDo- # 72

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

All your Microcosmic Flow Centers, flow with the juice- of the awareness
of what's the only act you can do to be true to yourself, producing
the Microcosmic Force. The Microcosmic Force creates Microcosmic Force.

Super Flow Centers are all over your bodymind, just not down your
spine, the back of your head, and the top of your head.

Microcosmic Blessings put all the output and input, these Super Flow
Centers do, directly to understanding and awareness- you're
creating the rhythms of Peace, Love, Wisdom and Tranquility; you
achieve these, you create huge amounts of the Microcosmic Force, as it is the only
act you can do to be true to yourself.