Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TenDo- # 81

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

One of the most dangerous ways of thinking is to get caught up in
group think, in which, you allow the group thought, to become yours,
while your own thought is repressed, to create harmony, within the group.

Individual thought is better than group think; it doesn't limit itself
to what others think; individuals have to think, for themselves.

Along with group think is leadership, in which, one leads and the others
follow, a sure way to disaster, this is why military armies, etc.,
of this world, keep the ancient way of dealing with problems- war, alive.

Individuals do not need leaders, they need information gatherers and
sharers, so they can make their own decisions; these decisions
will be from- their trust in their feelings. The filter of your
feelings will allow you to make informed, truthful Truths,
giving you the right action and reaction, for those being acted upon.

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