Thursday, April 29, 2010

TenDo- # 91

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Money is not the root of all evil; its the blindness of greed, that makes people
think the money they can accumulate, will give them happiness and love,
simply by having it.

Money is a commodity. It has no power to influence anyone or anything.
It's your reaction and choices, when dealing with money, that makes it
wrong, or having an need for it, beyond any other. Psychological
totality that's you, here and now, creates the decision, to see money
as an end all, rather than as a commodity, to help you get the rewards you

Money becomes a spiritual blessing, when used wisely, shared and used
to create, even more money, so more can be helped.

Your money may be blessed- with your belief and understanding, using
the Microcosmic Force, or by giving it Microcosmic Blessings. In doing this,
each bill becomes a blessing carrier, for any who touches it.

You may also bless the actions you're undertaking, to get the money,
treasure, etc.; those who touch the money, etc., are given a
blessing for their health, peace and reward.

Invest, share, spend, give it away, etc., all these become Blessings
gifts, when you Bless, each of them.

You're the farmer sowing seeds of Blessings- that will go around,
helping as many people as it comes in contact with.

May the Microcosmic Force be With You!

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