Thursday, April 29, 2010

TenDo- # 92

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Diversity of cultures, ideas, thoughts, working together, etc., is a
gift to us all, for we're going to be friendly and non-threatening, to
all those, who want to create a liasion between the culture and yourself.

Find the best in each culture; focus on building those; adding
Microcosmic Blessings to the mix, to make everything, happy and

Respect other cultures and peoples; look at them, with fresh eyes, not
ones, murderous, and already made up, to how you're going to
see, whoever is in your visual environment.

Respect the individual's expressions, of the culture, they're familiar
with, and comfortable with; life is never dull, as long as, you live
like you want; you're in high energy mode, to light up your aura and
your mental capacities. Individuals are the backbone of any country.
Individuals are the backbone of citizen diplomacy, etc..

May the Microcosmic Force be with each of You!

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