Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 121

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

To get the things, right for us; we must negotiate, for them;
this means- being able to decide on a price, then negotiate, for
that price, or a better one.

In any negotiation, you're honest, and trust your feelings. You're
not responsible, for the other's actions, but you're responsible ,for

If you hit on a fair price, both agree to; the transaction is

If wants more than your willing to pay; walk away, you'll find it
another day within your price limits.

There are many forms of negotiation; with as many techniques, to do it,
so you win and: 1. the other feels they won, too, 2. you overpower them;
they leave feeling a loss, 3. they walk away, not satisfied
completely, but they can live with the transaction, 4. feel they've
been cheated, and hooked into a bad deal.

Win-Win-Win solutions are the best: you win, they win and the
environment-planet wins.

The Environment-Planet must win; if it does not, then you don't, for
you've driven another nail, into your coffin; if the planet fails-
you, and everyone else, dies.

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