Friday, April 30, 2010

TedDo- # 108

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Children are a Blessing; no child is an orphan; all adults are
de facto parent, for every child. Be authentic; work with children,
with the knowledge, they have rights, and as adults, we must respect those

Children have responsibilities; they do or not do, depending on the
home atmosphere; they're growing up in.

Children want freedom, but they often, don't want the responsibility that goes along with freedom; parents are still the most important force, and information site they go to.

Violence against children is not acceptable; sexual rape, etc.,
against children is not acceptable.

Adults must deal with their problems, by getting the help they need,
and leaving children alone.

All adults are protectors of children. An adult ,who doesn't do this,
are the thing, the children are to be protected against- is to be
brought to trial, punishment given out, for the crime, but also, for
not being a caretaker, of children everywhere.

Children are persona non gratis, to any adult, who would commit a crime
against them, whether this is their parent(s), or strangers; hurt a
child, and the fullness, of the Ethical basis of human condition, is
broken, and must be taken into account, if convicted.

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