Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 109

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Jedi/Dream Dancer PeaceCreators garden any environment they go into; showing
themselves and others, by example, the importance of working, within
and beyond, the environment you're in, but feeling the activity, within
the environment, and work in accord with it.

By doing this, you get a handle on what's needed in the environment;
you can see if what you can offer is going to help, with any
problems, etc. you may find yourself in, within this environment.

Some of the tools to use- are: 1. affirmations, 2. unconditional love,
3. talking to plants, 4. send out healing and vibrational harmony, to
all, within the environment, 5. moving something, that wants to move, 6.
acting within a health and well being pattern/symbol, 7. Don't Worry-
Be Happy.

You are a Peacecreator; you create peace, within yourself, then
actively use this energy, to create openness and awareness, about how
they, too, can protect and care, for the environment you'/theyre in.

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