Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 112

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Human education, gained by going to elementary, junior high, high
school, junior college, university experiences, is basically for
living in the world, and in the world, today, this means, usually, gaining as much money, as

Knowledge, whether through education or self-study, gives a doorway
to spiritual living, peace action, love, meditation, tranquility,
psychic-teleapathic-spiritual experiences and actions done.

In Western society, the unfortunate method most used is science, which
wants to control life, by putting a screen overlay of
mathematical/physics/theory methodology, between human living, and the
dangerous, and choatic, real physical reality/world. This is supported
and corrupted by the Christian Bible, who through, an act of judicial
ultimateness, says- man is to dominate the lands and animals of the

Eastern society is more open to spiritual, and psychic/telepathic
understanding, but it to is caught up in an overlay web of untruth
and power plays ( which fuels the western way, also ), by the
seduction of getting spirituality, through another. This seduction of
giving your own energies away; create an hierarchy of power and
warfare, as spiritual expressions, of the same reality, fight for
dominance over their territories-

The reality of freedom, comes only, when each is self-responsible, for
their own spiritual underestanding. The best teaching is- where the
teacher teaches to the student's need, not to their own biases.

TenDo teaches each must create/build/act out their own peace, love,
tranquility, and psychic-telepathic-spiritual talents, abilities and
skills, to the highest, of their ability, to do so.

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