Thursday, April 29, 2010

TenDo- # 104

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Learning is very important in becoming a TenDo Practictioner, but
learning outside of yourself is only one step, equally important is
learning from trusting your feelings, meditating, and experiencing the
universe, and other realities, through astral projection, or psychic
scans, of that area of physical/mental/spiritual truths and

Social learning is good for understanding, where the social order
places its beliefs, and what it has learned and studied, to make the
society what it is today, here and now. These social orders, though,
are caught up ( usually ) in the there and then, and lose contact, with
here and now- experience.

This creates limited awareness of the beauty which lies around them,
here and now. They're so caught up, in the future, or the past,
the present is lost to them; within their bodyminds, anger builds,
at their blank ability, to be in the here and now, so internal conflict

The anger builds, and the person, who doesn't want to know what they
aren't doing, represses this anger, but whatever you repress, only
draws more energy, to itself, and continually works, to breakout of the
jail you psychologically put it in.

Conflict is now seething underneath the person's skin; not just one,
at first, but a multitude of conflicts, which sooner or later, one
conflict connects, to all the others, and becomes the top conflict-
hiding the others, under its umbrella methodology, of getting around the
repressions and blocks, the person uses, as their strategy, to ignore it.

The person is in constant battle, with this conflict overguide;
it takes alot of their energy, to maintain this internal war, which it
secretly believes is good, for it, but it still fights with it, for it
gives them a sense of power over something.

The stronger this battle becomes, the more the person uses stiffness
of activity, to support their internal war against themselves, the less flexible they are. They own
these conflicts, as an indication of themselves, which they're not,
they're simply thoughts, emotions, reasons; these aren't owned,
they're simply looked at, and we decide, if they fit us or not.

The more the person stiffens- he/she/it builds resistance, to moving in
certain ways; the bodymind symbolizes this- by stiffing muscle
groups, and nerves groups, from being able to move in, only ways
good, to try to resolve this internal battle. Wilhelm Reich
called this resistance, to healthy movement, body armor; we will
call it the same. It is muscle, armor rigid, so it can't move, in ways,
that will touch the internal conflict, going on, within the person.

The extreme of this is full catatonic arrest, where the person is
frozen, in a symbolic expression, and can't move, for the armor has
become so restricted ( at the person's will ) that he/she/it is afraid
to move, but can hear everything, going on, around them.

Reichian therapy, Bioenergetics, Dance Thearpy, Movement Therapy all
work with the bodymind, to loosen this armor, allowing the person, to
work through the conflicts, one at a time, but in reality, when the red character ( Reich )
is found, and worked through, the armor conflict, is resolved; the others, attached to this red line character, are resolved at the same time.

The healthy person, or the Tendo Man/Woman/Being is one, who works with
conflicts, byworks through them, without repressing them,
being here and now, working daily, to experience their lives, and
others, in an open and accepting way.

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