Thursday, April 29, 2010

TenDo- # 96

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

You meditate or dream, to go on inner journeys; they're a travelog, of
experience, which is symbolic or reality. It's up to you, to trust your
feelings, to find out, which is right, for what you're seeing.

Creative Dreaming is a method, in which, you take control of your
dreams, but at the same time, you don't give up, on allowing dreams, to find
their own way to completeness; this is your inner creativity coming
out, and showing you, there's more to you, than you know.

These kinds of travel ( dreams or reality or psychic ) are travelogs
you're experiencing, because it's the right time, for you to do so.
When the time/errrrr....the experience- is right, for you, to see, it will come
to you, in whatever way is best,, for its message, to be seen, in symbols,
or reality actions.

Your travels in the physical, mental or spiritual are multiwonders of
discovery, suspense, learning, euphanies, and creative insights. It
is up to you, to discover, what these activities are trying to tell or
show you.

In meditation, when you astral travel, always protect yourself, before
going out ( same when you're giving psychic readings or discussions )
know- astral and etheric planes are filled with those, who will
tell you the truth, and those who will work an angle, which will give
them a win, and you a loss.

The astral and etheric planes are frontiers; frontier awareness is
needed, to get what you want. Remember- to look, at whatever you see or
hear or feel- twice; many things you see are staked hunting images,
to draw you to them. Know what's really there, and act in the only way
you can act to be true to yourself.

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