Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 114

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

You're responsible, for your health, and your- health wellness.
Preemptive finding of health problems give a better chance ,to catch
and eliminate them, rather than waiting, for it to worsen, and not
be containable.

Utilize meditation, psychic awareness of your health, healings, and
medical attention, when needed, to be on top of any problem, or any
new positive light of health, that comes to you.

Medical attention is formula at best; the doctors are more
interested in getting their cash prices and maintaining their high level
of charges, than they are in seeing all of humanity have excellent
health care. The AMA fights to keep only a limited number of doctors
graduating, saying these are the best schools, and any others won't do
as well, and may actually be harmful. In reality, this is a monopoly,
making sure not too many doctors come into the medical profession, so
doctors can keep their money flowing in.

Add to this the Pharmaceuticals, who charge what they can, without
caring, about those who are suffering; they only want to make as much
money, as they can, so in America they charge astronomically, and if
the poor and the elderly can't pay, oh well. Pharmceuticals by their
greed and avarice are the indirect cause of deaths in Americans, and
the world, when they refuse to lower prices, so all can have the
medicine, they need. They try to defuse their detractors, now, by
selling the medicine to third world countries at generic prices, or
give it away free, to show how philothranpic they are, then raise
prices in America, so Americans can pay, for the drugs, they're taking
a loss on.

Pure heart- those pharmecuticals! They are bypassing doctors, now and
putting ads on TV, to get patients to ask their doctors about the
drugs they may need, to keep their health, at the best, it can be.

This is a war tactic, of an invading corporation, who wants to mindbend
you, to do what they want, causing you to do what isn't necessarily
good for you, and putting pressure on doctors, to prescribe their medicines.

Their partner in this criminal negligence of Americans and the world
populations, is the government. They're hand and glove, with the
corporations- exisiting in and outside of this country. Where are they
going to work, if they leave government service, to those very
corporations they oversaw, as government representatives. Congress is
the perfect example of this; leave Congress and become a lobbyist. You
have to wait a year, but hey, you can use that time, to recontact those
you want to represent; you have the inside, for you were in the
hallowed halls of political power and position.

All of this is to say, you're the captain- of your health. Do not just
take a doctors word, for what you should do, if you're uncomfortable
with a doctor, go to another one.

Work to bring down the cost of drugs, make pharmeceuticals, become
less sharky, and more benevolent; make doctors, and their AMA,
quit trying to limit the number of doctors, and allow, as many doctors
to graduate, who do the course and field work, showing they're capable
of being doctors on their own; notch-up the wisdom and training of
nurses, make doctors recognize, they're professionals; they can utilize
their skills, without his support; they can be full partners, within the
medical service; nurses can bring healing, by merely, being, present,
as well as laying of hands, to stimulate healing, within a patient.
Comfort, wisdom and service are the valued components, of nurses.

Again, don't accept any medical diagnosis, without asking questions, as
many as necessary, to have you feel comfortable; you're the captain of
your health, and as such, you're the one, who makes the final
decisions, not anyone else.

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