Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TenDo- # 74

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson,, 2010

Peace isn't just a thought; it's an action, of how, to do that, which
may be fun, or future actions won, because of actions taken now, as you
live and create Peace, and creative possibilities.

Here are some talents to look up and learn, for whatever possibilites
that may come up, or to you, in the future.

Learn Tracking, Surviving in the Wilds, learn the ways of Urban Back-
in the BlackBoard Jungles, in cities, all over the world. The same is
true for RuralBack, rural parts of the worlds, learn how to farm, how
to grow crops and etc.. Learn how to survive, in any dangerous place,
The OutBack, Jungles, RainForests, etc.

TenDo knows- the more you know, the more able you are- to live and
create Peace.

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