Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 117

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

You're not duty bound, to support any group or organization, outside of

It 's better not to be in a group or organization, who doesn't
understand- to be human, you must be free to make decisions,
without the limitation of mandatory beliefs.

It's better, to be here and now, trust your feelings, and acting
without thinking, through doing the only act you can do to be true to

To develop this way of living: 1. be here and now, 2. act
microcosmically, individually, 3. act in total freedom, of you're
responsible, for your own decisions and actions, 4. each action,
movement, can bring new feelings, act upon them, as you trust in your
feelings, to be your guide; so any answer isn't static, but brings in
information, even as you move to accomplish, 5. listen to yourself,
others and nature, 6. feel the way you move, and move, to your trust in
your feelings, 7. you are the wiseperson, over your life, no one or
nothing can do it, as well as, you can.

You're your own government; do not be limited by governmental
communities, but choose, and discard, to what you feel is true for you.

This doesn't mean confront what you don't feel is right for you, but
flow around it; live your life apart, from that, which isn't right
for you, even within the middle of the community, which blinds itself,
to its own ability, to know what's best, and true, for itself.

Governments are entities created out of fear of others; it tries
to govern itself, and its citizens, to the point of psychotic obession, over

Don't be poisoned by governments, be yourself, let them stew in
their own overlawed juices.

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