Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 110 VIP

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

TenDo practitioners know it's their responsibility, to create
the environments, they want to live/visit/act in.

TenDo demartial artists realize they're responsible, for their
own attitudes, and at the same time, they're responsible to how they
interact with their environments; they create a peace, energy,
pulsating cloud, which creates Peace harmonics, which the environment,
you're in, can choose to match or not, depending on the environments
energy flow, and lifepath, of each being, at this, here and now- moment.

Here is a very important lesson- no matter what lifepath points, each
being puts out in a plan, they're open to higher vibrations Peace,
Love and Tranquility. They can be transformed, into this new way of
being, within this particular- environment, they continue on, as a new way
of being, within their new life plan. Nothing is set; it's because you
want it to express something about you; if you don't like the way
your life is going, transform you and your environment, by Microcosmic
Blessing or Microcosmic Force Blessings or Affirm Blessings, or Aha! Experience, seeing truth out of
blindness and making it your own.

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