Thursday, April 29, 2010

TenDo- # 99

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

TenDo Peacecreators know if he or she or it, is aware of, and
trustful of their feelings, they won't be where trouble is.

Trouble to an individual arises because of: 1. reincarnation anger
holdover, 2. self-anger, 3. faulty thinking and expression of emotion,
4. mental illness/mental problems 5. don't know how to handle the
emotions they're feeling, 6. belief- they have the right to do
whatever they need to, to be top dog in their environment, 7. monetary
considerations, 8. relationship dominance, 9. emotional baggage and
belief- they own the ones they have chosen to be close to them,
10. jealous nature, because of being insecure, 11. wanting power over
others, to know they're powerful, they don't trust their inner
feelings, 12. fear of life, and elements, within their life, 13. lack of
self-esteem, 14. feel the world or their parents owe them something (
they don't ), 15. want to find the easy way, through being
willing to commit crimes against their fellowpersons, 16. sexual need,
to overpower, those weaker, than themselves. etc..

The TenDo person knows by trusting their feelings, and living up
to what answers they give- he, she, it won't be where danger is.

Trust in your feelings, and in your ability, to listen to those feelings;
act on them, without thinking, this will provide the non-troubled path,
for the person, who knows their own value, in trusting- their feelings.

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