Friday, April 30, 2010

TenD0- # 113

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Understand this- there are no orphans in the world, each adult and
each teenager, is first a parent, to these children, and second a
teacher by word, or example.

Children, who have no real parents, have billions of care-parents;
each of us must realize we have a commitment, to the world, to see-
the children of the world are taking care of.

In devastation, or countries far from our own, what can we do?

Support agencies, who are helping these children, and create child-home
centers, in which, they're raised, knowing they're all children, of
the human race, and each is- very special. They're a family, join all
other families, in creating, the social way- of the world.

Children are the highest treasure, of the human race, and the Earth.
The Earth does not like it, when its children hurt, or are being hurt
by others. War and killing of innocent children are the surest way, for
the human race, to lose its relationship, with the Earth.

The Earth, welcomes children, and if anyone does not, they lose their
connection, with the Earth ( along with those who rape and pillage its
surface, for their own greed, and power ends ).

Cold orphanages are out; child-homecare centers are in; they are to be
warmly designed, and decorated, to give the most freedom to the child, as
possible. Freedom, shaped by wisdom and love, gives a child the
ability to become a self-responsible person, and one, who's given love,
in turn shares their love, with others.

What about those who don't want this, who turn away from love, and live
in disharmony, for whatever reason.

We, care-parents, put out Microcosmic Blessings, Microcosmic Force Blessings and Affirm Blessings,
upon them, each day; at the same time, we create and support
care-social centers, and counseling, for each child, who's having
adjustment concerns.

No child is evil or bad; they're simply not capable of seeing their
own inner worth. It's our service- to help them see, and build upon,
that self-worth, self-esteen and self-responsibility.

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