Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TenDo- # 78

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

A child born upon the Earth is the child of every adult upon the
earth, except for those who would harm the child, for their own
delights and demons.

No child is an orphan. Every child has billions of parents.

Society is known by how it treats its children. The U.S. sucks at-
taking care, of its children. Captialism only supports those who can
work and make money, for the wealthy. Those who can't, aren't worthy,
they need to be out of sight, and eventually, hopefully, they'll die,
allowing the undertaker, to make money off of them, for that's all
they're good for, in the wealthy's view, of the world.

Show love- for the children of the world; stop crime and hatred- in
its tracks.

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