Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 106

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Accept people as they are; don't think you're going to change them,
because you're not. People don't change; they transform; the
transformation comes from within them, not outside, of themselves.

When meeting someone for the first time; listen, hey will tell you
about themselves, within the first four minutes.

Listening means empathy ; here are some ways- of listening, for
what the person is really saying about themselves:
1. look at the bodymind
2. look at the eyes; the eyes never lie
3. know that lips lie; bodymind doesn't, ever
4. hear what they're saying; what they aren't saying, with
non-verbal communication
5. look at their posture; what does this say about them; what are
your feelings telling you about this person
6. presentation; how does the person present him/her/itself
7. is he/she/it a talker, or does their talking come fromtheir minds, to cover up
nervousness, etc.,
8. what do their clothes say about the person
9. what nervous habits do they have
10. what personality do they put forward
11. do they feel honest, caring, sharing, authentic, etc.
12. do they drink alot, while you're getting to know them
13. are they friendly; do they look you in the eyes, when talking
or when you're talking
14. do they act interested in you
15. do they want to know about you
16. what energy do you get from them.

This a few of the ways ,you can get to know a person, but there are
others- find out which work in the situation you're in.

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