Thursday, April 29, 2010

TenDo- # 102

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Peace isn't a concept, but a creation, within you, created by your actions,
thoughts, precepts, and talents, abilities and skills, guided by your
attention, to do that, which falls, within the realm of a creator of peace.

Peace is found, within your bodymind, when you create it, within
yourself. Your bodymind symbolizes this activity, within your
bodymind; you will be a beacon, for Peace, to those, who see you
physically, and by your total, energy influencing other energies, in
their psychic awareness- of you ( whether they believe in psychic
energy or not )

Build Peace activities, in your daily living; you will be one of the
beacons, to bring Peace, to the world.

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