Thursday, April 29, 2010

TenDo- # 105

You're a domestic, rock and roll, wildlife being, and as such, as
your care for your environments, you care of yourself.

You're to work with you; you within your bodymind, just as you
would with an outside environment, you walk into.

This means: 1. watch your health, 2. eat right, or if you can't eat
right, use a keyword to stand for a affirmation, to get the nutrients
your bodymind needs, 3. you're a whole; you do not exist in
parts, all you do is wholistic, 4. make sure you get plenty of sleep,
exercise, fitness, etc. 5. make sure you get enough sleep, 6. don't
over stress, 7. Don't Worry, Be Happy

You're the caretaker of you, and to put it bluntly, don't fail to
respect yourself, by taking care of yourself. It's your
self-responsibility, to do this.

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