Thursday, April 29, 2010

TenDo- # 93

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

A TenDo demartial artist listens to his feelings, and trusts them, to
guide him, to make the right decision, without thinking by
trusting your feelings, and remembering- feelings don't act in
questions, only in answers.

The more you trust, and act, on your feelings- without thinking; the
stronger you bind, with your feelings, become. This helps your
psychic abilities, talents and skills, as well.

This is especially true, with those, who act and create peace out of
their actions, their thoughts and their goals. PeaceCreatorship uses
each person's ability, to trust their feelings, to train them, in going
with their gut feelings, when a decision is to be made.

The same is true with problem-solving; trust your feelings; act
without thinking. This creates an action, that will be created in the
Microcosmic Force; at the same time, it will be an action of activism- creating peace,
within what you do, and who you are.

May the Microcosmic Force be With You!

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