Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 118

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Each of us must reach out, stretch our feelings, and feel the living
life, within the Universe, in all of its variety and uniqueness.

We're not alone in the Universe; many races, in this Universe, are
not friends, to humans. They have kidnapped, tortured, and shaped
humans, and their consciousness, over centuries.

We must prepare individually, to find ways, within ourselves, to protect
ourselves, but also, on how to flow around this problem, and allow our
would be enemies, to stew in their own juices, about where we are, and
what we're doing.

To their shaped minds- we would be plotting against them, but in
actuality, we would be living our lives, to the trust in our feelings.

Meditate; utilize psychic abilities, talents and skills, to learn more
about yourself, your bodymind, and unlimit- your limitations, to see if
what lies beyond them, may help you grow, within yourself.

Always protect yourself, before doing this, with Super Microcosmic
Crystal White Light protection shield, defense shield and security
shields. Visualize them; know that crystal white light is
protecting you.

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