Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 120

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Creating abundance in your life starts with loving yourself, for
unless, you know how to love yourself, you can not love, others.

You have to allow abundance, to come in; many have a hard time doing
this, they don't believe they're worth having abundance come to
them. You're worthy of abundance; you're unique; this makes
you priceless.

You create the Microcosmic Force Blessings, Microcosmic Blessings or Affirm Blessings, for
yourself, and others,;you create Peace in your thoughts, actions and
loving; you're spiritual; you do what's necessary, for you, to act
in the only way you can to be true to yourself.

Respecting abundance, don't say it should go to someone
else, it will, you're worthy, to have it, too, so allow it to
come to you.

Creating positive mindsets, which create openness and awareness, to take
up opportunities, when they come up, leads- to abundance.

Allowing yourself to have fun, dance, listen/play music, study, look
at new information, play with your computer, surf the web, all get you
into a relaxed state; it 's within relaxation, abundance can
come to you.

Be socially responsible; act in good faith; practice- having
faith in what you are doing, spiritually, mentally and physically.

Be open to risking; any new adventure has risk within it; if
you trust your feelings; act without thinking; you and the
Microcosmic Force will get you through, as you create Peace, in everything, you do.

Be open to loving others, and creating romance and love, with a special
person, or persons. Show you love; show your having a great time;
show you care, and share, with others.

Abundance of goodness shall be yours; Abundance of wealth and
goods- shall be yours, also.

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