Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 107

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Accept the people you love, friends, and family, as they are. You don't
want to change them, but you want to help them, if they come to you.

People are who they are, because, they have a path they're following,
this path is a path of major points. How you get between these points
is up to you; what you do, when you get there, is up, to you.

The idea of creating a major point path, before you rebirth, yourself, is
simply saying- you do not have confidence in your ability to do, when
the experience is happening right here and now.

Having an idea of what you would do, in a certain situation, isn't the
same, as being there ,as it's coming down.

Don't forge yourself into only one answer; be open, to act in the
only way you can act to be true to yourself.

Accept yourself; don't try to change yourself, but grow through
self-transformation, as you experience life, and learn, from your actions,
within those actions.

No puppetmaster living; only open, aware, caring, sharing, authentic
here and now processing, by acting in the only way you can act to be
true to yourself. This builds the Microcosmic Force and Peace, within you, and
within it. Peace is the authentic side, of the Microcosmic Force.

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