Friday, April 30, 2010

TenDo- # 115

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Children are responsible, for their own persons. As a parent, your job
is to take care of them, love them, and teach them how to be

To allow them, to choose their own experiences, rather than being tied
down, to yours.

Teaching them how to survive, in a world, and in an environmen,t not of
their making, doesn't mean give them trauma about it. Teach lovingly,
not creating fear, within them; causing parent tapes, to hatch,
within their bodyminds, that will control them, by them introjecting
the one, who told them this rule/law of living, or rather of surviving,
the cruelty of the world.

Children are not a burden, but a gift. Parents do not do this alone,
but join with other parents, sharing problems and rewards,
and building parental understanding, on how to allow your children freedom,
to be themselves, at the same time, learn, to limit their actions, to
only what's true, for them; in this way, be safe- in an safe and
unsafe world.

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