Tuesday, April 27, 2010

TenDo- # 46

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

TenDo is the martial art of living in Peace, with others, and being
able to defend yourself against others aggression, without having to
hurt or go down to their level.

Peace is created- within you, and the actions you take. Peace is within
the energy of the Microcosmic Force Truth, which comes into being by you doing the only act
you can do to be true to yourself.

Peace is an internal truth, that becomes external, when you draw
upon its Truth, creating that truth, outside, in the external world
and environments.

Peace is an active agent, within your way of looking at life, how you
perceive life, and how you create the life you want, for yourself, by
trusting your feelings and acting without thinking.

Peace becomes something you have a Truth investment in.

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