Saturday, April 24, 2010

TenDo- # 31

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Peace is created within you. You create Peace by your actions,
whether spiritual/mental/physcial or psychic.

Peace doesn't exist- without you, creating it, within you.

Peace is an outline, until filled in- by you.

Peace doesn't guide your actions; you guide your actions; Peace is
drawn into the presence, of the environment, in each's ability, to dwell,
within the truth of themselves, thereby creating the Microcosmic Force.

The Microcosmic Force is Peace, when you build it the calm way, what isn't used
by you, goes out into the Universe, where it may be drawn upon by
others, for truth is truth; if you interact with it, the truth
is is never diminished; it can only support your actions,
but it can, by its own within, act in its own behalf, thereby a
single act of creation of Peace becomes a web, in which, each create-
Peace; Peace, then, goes out, becoming the best reality, it an
become, with the truth Microcosmic Force, within it. This is done by the Microcosmic Force,
not by any one person, within the web.

Peace exists outside- in the world, any may interact with it,
by how far they're comfortable with- Truth, is how well they will
react to it, and vice-versa.

The Microcosmic Force, when created is self-responsible, as well as, being created
from a being; it guides and is guided; the actions taken-
are the joint effort, of the person/being and the Microcosmic Force. This is the
way of the Jedi/Dream Dancer.

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