Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TenDo- # 65

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

When creating Peace, you do so, by acting in the only way you can act
to be true to yourself.

Peace is a state of action, which you create by doing that which is
the only act you can do to be true to yourself, and by doing that act
you allow others to see what you do, and either learn from it, act
upon what they see, by doing what's the only act they can do to be
true to themselves, or simply categorize it, within memory, until it
comes out at the appropriate time.

Not all acts of Peace will bring others to act in a like manner,
don't expect it.

Peace means not having any expectations, only knowing by having
none, you're open, to whatever occurs; you can trust your
feelings- and act upon it in the only way you can to be true to

By doing this you are creating the Microcosmic Force, and the Microcosmic Force created can
only create the Microcosmic Force; it can only be true to itself.

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