Saturday, April 24, 2010

TenDo- # 35

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

In working, for Peace, and building it, within yourself, an excellent
technique is role playing. You take an adventure, experience, or one
that might come up, write down the actions, to be found, within that
maybefuture, and role play, with it.

Two chairs facing, each other; one is the character you're working
with ( in the dream/or fantasy or what is going on right now ), the
other is you.

Start off by asking " What do you have to say to me? " You get up,
and go to the other chair, sit down, and answer. You continue to go
back and forth, until you've worked, with all the characters, that are,
figures, or stand out, in this first look, at it.

Now, you go to background; see if any other characters stand out,
take these and work with them. Do so, as many times, as necessary, till
there are no more figure-characters, in the action, you're working

When there are no figure dream elements; do one more role playing, with
the remaining background.- Gestalt Therapy

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