Saturday, April 24, 2010

TenDo- # 36

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Peace is a inner action, that only comes into being, by the direct
action, of the person, who's doing the action. Peace isn't something
that grows outside on its own. We have to create it, live it,
within ourselves, within our daily moment by moment actions.

Along with Peace is Freedom, Freedom cannot be given; it has to be
created within, and lived moment by moment. We can build political
systems ,who say- they give freedom, but they do not, Freedom comes,
from each of us practicing it, in everything we do.

Justice is found within ourselves; as long as we're angry, hate,
thinking, of the other, without giving our forgiveness, we're tied- to that
situation; allowing it, to control- our lives.

When it comes to self-defense, we want to practice non-violence,
until we're directly threatened by someone, who wants to hurt us,
then we need to be able, to defend- ourselves. This is best done by
learning martial arts; this is my bias, Kenpo Karate, or Tai Kwan
Do. Japanese Karate, is too geared toward overpowering, your opponent; they try to use the power of
hitting others, as a way to win, rather than, to simply, keep the other,
from hurting you.

When in combat, you must protect yourself, till the moment, the person is
no longer capable of hurting you; you must not try to hurt them, any longer,
but go leave the situation, as soon as, you can.

Peace is generated, and multiplied, by the person, who has high self-
esteem, love of self, respect for self, who gives all this, to
others, as well as- themselves.

TenDo is both a Peaceart, and a way to handle situations- that arise.
Creativity, and willingness ,to try new things, are both strong
statements, within the work of TenDo. TenDo looks to defuse
situations, then leave, if possible, so the battle, the conflict,
is ended, and the person/yourself is safe, from harm.

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