Saturday, April 24, 2010

TenDo- # 34

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Everyone, who comes into a bodymind, before they do this, they create a
mental/spiritual lifepath, for what they want to do, in this lifetime.
This helps in putting in doorways, in which, those who match, or seem to
match this doorway, will come in, at just the right moment.

Problem with this, as when you sit down to a meal, and take too much
food, your eyes are bigge,r than your stomach; the same applies, to the
lifepath the being gets into, to much theoretical planning, and does
more than he/she/it is able to handle.

When you come up to the doorways, in your life, know this lifepath, and these actions, are choices;
choices can be transformed, but you have to have spiritual
beliefs and strengths of action, to do so, or it may be done by
anothe,r who is spiritual, and has reached, a level, where they can do
that which will allow them to make their own choices- 1. transform the action that's negative, for you,
coming up, or in progress, and 2. to transform or let go of the entire
lifepath; you live on a- here and now non-agenda life, making up your
mind, as you need to.

This is existential action and choice; you're responsible, for your
own actions; you must allow others, to be responsible, for their
own life, as well.

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